when youre on your period scenarios with the RFA

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when you're on your period:

yoosung: he has some experience from his nom and sisters, and he tries to comfort you as best as he can. He goes absolutely overboard on giving you snacks and chocolates, practically buying the whole food isle. He checks on you frequently and lets you sleep on his lap while playing LOLOL, repeatedly asking you how you're feeling and if you need anything. He gives you your space when you're feeling moody and holds your stomach when you're having cramps. When you ask him to go the store and buy feminine products, the first time he's a bit nervous but by now he's already gotten you all the pads you could ever need so you rarely need to leave your bed thanks to him. When you start crying he holds you close to his chest and strokes your head to comfort you.

seven: is a little bit confused but has the spirit. he does a quick research on periods to see if there's any way he can help, and he manages to buy some pads at the store (which he ends up awkwardly giving to you without even being able to look you in the eye) but still gets a bit flustered by your sudden mood swings and tries to use humor to comfort you, lets you stay with him as he's working and even takes care of your party emails and clients along with his work to allow you to rest. He'll cook for you and bring you honey buddha chips and phd pepper while you're resting, which is GREATLY appreciated. At night if he doesn't have too much work he tries to distract you by turning on a nice film and holding you close, grabbing even tighter if he hears you in pain.

zen: cancels his rehearsals, meetings and calls just to stay with you the entire time and make sure you're okay. He showers you with compliments and gives you tons of affection, hugs, kisses, and cuddles you throughout the day. Having him around instantly cures your mood swings. When youre having cravings he buys you the fish shaped bread you love from the seller nearby and eats it with you. He makes sure you're still taking care of yourself and not over eating, buttt if you're still hungry after finishing yours he'll let you eat the rest of his. he'll passionately massage your stomach when you're having cramps, leaving kisses behind. He also knows the best remedy for period cramps if you're willing to try ;) He reminds you of how much you mean to him and that you can get through this :)

jumin: would stress about keeping you comfortable and happy by pampering and spoiling you with comforting items and snacks, giving you more affection than usual, and would have Assistant Kang look after you and assist you in everything you need during his meetings all day since she's also a woman, which was an extremely awkward conversation for the two but you're close with Jaehee regardless and grateful she'll be by your side (whether forced or not). He'll make sure his chefs made you the finest meals for your cravings, and the highest class doctors are giving you period medication. Since you were in bed most of the day, Elizabeth 3rd would snuggle up with you and keep you company while Jumin was busy at work. Once he gets home he'll find you resting comfortably in your bed, and he'll lay next to you and stroke your face before slowly falling asleep beside you.

jaehee: treats you to all the essentials, pillows, blankets, sweets, and heating pads since she knows the pain T_T since she'll be busy at work she prepares you a nice care package before she leaves and calls you during the day to make sure you're feeling okay. After work she stays by your side as she's completing her tasks, watching you peacefully sleep next to her. Eventually she gives into her temptations and puts work aside to lay next to you and help you through your pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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