Chapter 6: Hidden Among the Negaties

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— "can I put it on your head, Prince?"

The man with long white hair, seated among the flowers of a large valley, looked at the little girl next to him with brown hair holding a flower crown in her hands patiently.

— "Please !!! It shot really well !!!"

The man sighs

— "of course" he said, he bend down his head to let her put the flower crown on his head.

The girl was happy to spend time with her friend, she loved this place. Although it is a valley, she adored smelling and making flower crown for her and her friend, she is really happy.

The girl left the sight of her friend to look in the landscape, she noticed then in the distance two figures, a boy with a blue hat and a girl with a huge pouf orange hair in an ponytail.

— "oh look prince!" said the little girl pointing at the two figures, "New friends! Do you think they will want a flower crown?"

But when she turned to her friend, he was gone with the flower crown.

— "Prince?"

The valley disappeared, and she was left in a black world, the two silhouettes had also disappeared.

— "Prince !? Where are you ? I'm afraid! " Said the young girl on the verge of tears.

Then, coming from the darkness, the girl saw three yellow and red eyes looking at her in the dark and ...


Mélania woke up sweating in her armchair, waking up in the process Gustave and Balerina who were sleeping on a pile of cousins ​​next to the armchair. What was that dream ?! Who is this white haired guy that "little Melania" call Prince? Who these two people she saw in the distance? And who owns his three eyes?

Mélania took a deep breath and looked at her friends, who were worried about her.

— "Everything is fine, I just had a nightmare." she said, stroking Gustave and Balerina's head to reassure them.

How long has she slept? She looked at the pillar of books on the small table, and also how long she read her books? To be honest, they are more diaries than novels. Whenever he talks about a person, Lance may be, interacting with a Human who arrived in Wonderworld and then the emotions he had when they left because of Balan. Does Lance feel lonely? Even with the clown and the Negaties?

Melania went to the small table to store the books, but she noticed on the same small table there was a large box with a note on it, she took the note and began to read.

Dear Dr- Mélania

I found a way so the "clown" wouldn't recognize you, meet me outside the living room wearing what's in this box. I wanted it to give you in person, but I find you falling asleep in the armchair.

PS: put those books where you took them !!!


Mélania put the note on the side and opened the mysterious box. Inside was a white mask, a black cape with blue pink spirals, a purple scarf, and a black suit. She looked at the costume for a moment before picking up the books.

I have to put it away before I wear it, she said to herself ...


Lance waited in the hallway writing in a book, he used to write whatever goes through his mind, especially when he's waiting.

—" here I am !"

Lance put his book away, disappear with the snap of a finger, and directed his sight towards the living room door, from which Melania and her negati friends left. Mélania wearing the costume with the mask that lance had made, and she looks like a negati, well almost ...

— "good idea of ​​the negati costume, look guy's" she said looking at her friends, "we look the same now"

— "yes, but something is missing" said Lance

he snaps his fingers and Melania's hair changed from smooth brown hair to black dread rolled back, Now she looked like a negaties.

— "I'll have to get used to all this magic," she said, touching her hair. She also wanted it to use magic, well, if she was on her stage.

— "well, we have to go now" Lance snaps his fingers and the hallway disappears into the black smoke, and Lance, Melania and her friends find themselves in a place that looks like a library.

— "where are we?" asks Mélania.

— "we are on a new stage which is recently and this is where your first job begins" said Lance

— "first job?" she was confused.

— "if you want to stay here, balan must think that you are a simple negati and for that there are rules"

Lance began to explain the "rules of the perfect negati" as Melania calls it:

1. do not speak, the negati does not speak, of course.

2. Stay in a group, whatever the situation.

3. If any negati disappear in front of you, they will reappear, don't panic, but run away when you are alone.

And 4. Attack with others if you get attacked.

— "How am I supposed to attack? With my hands?" asks Mélania.

— "no, wait" lance snaps his fingers and a black scythe covered with of Spiral appears in his hand, he gives it to Melania.

— "avoid lost it" he said, "I may have the power to create what I want, but it becomes exhausting when I do too much"

Melania nodded and twirled the scythe in her hands, feeling that she was going to have fun with it, before speaking again.

— "Okay with the rules, but you still haven't told me what to do for a job."

— "exact" said Lance pointing around, "you surely understood that every Stage belongs to someone, right?"

Of course, it's not as if I have a scene too, said to herself Mélania

— "well" keep Lance, "this Stage belongs to someone and I would like you to watch it, in case the clown try to convince him to leave wonderworld."

Melania might say that it's an invention of private life, but if she said that, she could surely reduce her chances of staying in the wonderworld.

— "Why don't you do it yourself?" asks Mélania.

— "I can't be everywhere and here at the same time," said Lance.

— "You have a point".

— "and that makes me think", he slams his fingers and a kind of pendant with a purple stone and give it to Mélania, "you will need that to come back"

— "okay" she said confused, "but how does it work?"

— "It's very simple, hold this pendant in your hand while thinking very strongly about the place where you want to go, and you will be brought to the desired place".

"Now I have to leave you," said Lance, his hands behind his back. "I have something to do, respect the rules and watch the inhabitant who lives here"

And follow that, he disappeared in that black smoking.

Mélania put on her pendant, put her scythe behind her back, looked at Gustave and picked up Balerina to put her in her arms and left to explore this new scene ...

The tired girl who lives in her Dreams (Balan wonderworld fans tory eng version)Where stories live. Discover now