I Could Get Used to This

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He leans in to kiss me.


A thousand thoughts are racing through my head in the split second that I thought it was finally going to happen, but I was wrong. Again.

I don't know what's happened to me, when I became such a head-over-heels type of girl for guys. He changed that.

No, he didnt lean in to kiss me. He had to tell me a secret, something that I didn't catch as I took in a slow subtle breath of his scent that smelled of perfection and teenage boy. I've always loved that smell, and I always make not of it every time I get close enough to him to take it in.

I love him.

No I dont, I think. How could I? He's older, cuter.. but what does that matter? We get along and have great times together.

Who wouldve thought that the guy I daydream about would have as great of a personality as I imagined?

Shaking myself from the thoughts that clouded my sight, I laughed with him over the joke I didn't catch that he whispered in my ear. His cheekbones are so perfect, the way that they're so defined when he smiles.

He smiles a lot.

That little shit.

I get upset more with myself that with him when he does cute little things that get to me, but I believe that he may do them on purpose. I'll catch him stare, or even just hint a smile at me when we're doing something together. I believe now that he likes me, but who am I kidding?

Cris's POV

I lean in to kiss her.

Now isn't the time. It cant be. Not yet. What was I leaning in for? Right. I was going to tell her about how her hair reminded me of moms spaghetti, I remember a few months ago when she introduced me to that lame joke, but somehow when she laughs about it, I cant help but laugh too. She is so perfect. I've always tried to sneak a look at her just to take in her smile, her eyes, her hair, her everything. Most times, she catches me. I try and play it off cool and smile, which must work okay since she tends to smile back.

I need to think of a way to tell her. What if she doesn't think the same about me? The worst thing that could happen would be for her to reject me and ruin the friendship we have. I'll just keep it a secret..

Oh my god. Why does she have to look that way when she laughs? It doesn't make this whole feelings thing any easier for me.

I love you.

Do I? Stop, Cris. You only broke up with your girlfriend a month ago. I swore to Kristen that it was to be single for now, but I don't think that was all. I may have broken up with my girlfriend to be with a girl that I haven't even gotten the courage to tell how I feel yet. I'm too much of a loser for her...

Kristen's POV

So today we were from my room to the kitchen, somewhat trying to beat one another to the fridge in a pointless competition. Wow. Okay, so I defintely just tripped and he caught me. I fell into his arms oh wow we're so in love. This is getting out of hand. I'm becoming incapable of having conversations with others without slipping his name all the time, and now I apparently cant walk right. He didn't seem to mind, He caught me like I was light as air, and we laughed at my clumsiness, until we realize whats going on. He's leaning over me, holding my waist from the back and my arm. Oh my god. Trying to get the both of us out of our (what seems to be an eternity long) position, he slowly glides me upwards while taking a step back, resulting in me suddenly being leaned up backwards against his chest. Fuck fuck fuck. His breathing is heavy. Is mine heavy? I can't tell. I might not even be breathing at all. I turn around, his grip on my arm loosening, but never falling, and eventually we're face to face. He looks at my eyes, and down to my lips. This can't be happening. What. Cris Trahan and I are in my house less than inches away from each other, he has his arms around me, and for the first time I truly feel like he wants this too.

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