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“Now is that really how you greet old friends Barnes?”

I let a small smile escape watching a shocked expression cross over his face. 

“Az? I-“

”Well well, look what we have here” A nonchalant voice spoke, interrupting James’ stammering. I recognized him as Tony Stark, Iron Man. What kind of dumbass came up with that name? 

“Never thought I’d see you bested but anyone other than me, Buck '' Captain America added, “Drop the knife soldier, don’t make this messier than need be” more SHIELD soldiers field into the room, weapons aimed at the one and only, me

I weighed my options, either use one of the escapes I planned ahead of time, or stay, let myself be captured and have a little fun with The Earth's Mightiest Heroes. I nearly snickered at the thought. 

I chose the more entertaining option. 

I flashed a bright smile and replied with a salute, “Aye aye Mr America! Or do you go by Captain? Cap? I‘m not too sure what pet names you all use” 

He gave me a hard glare while I carelessly dropped my knife, letting it clatter to the ground. Barnes still lay on the ground, awestruck. Frankly, it looked like he saw not one, but about 5 ghosts. I suppose he did though, I am technically dead after all. 

I was quickly put into handcuffs, being tightened far more than normal. 

“Oh, so you boys like it rough. I like it” I said, only half joking, earning myself a shove in the direction of the door. Rodgers had now made his way over to his friend, helping him off the ground. They looked deep in conversation, yet Barnes’ eyes never left me. They followed me all the way to the door, his eyes probably lingered to the empty door frame for a little longer afterwards, too. 


I was led to not a cell, but an office of sorts. The glass was thick enough to be bulletproof I knew, and the door had heavy duty hinges with several locks. So a clear cell, Fancy, I thought. I yawned and plopped down in one of the office chairs sitting around the large oak table. 

“We will be watching you at all times here. Don’t even try to escape. We’ll send a medic in here soon to assess the wounds you’ve received.” Stark spoke to me in a stern voice. 

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Another smile, “ Also don’t bother with the medic, any injuries I’ve got will be gone in a few hours.” I added as he turned to leave. 

“Okay…” He curiously replied, before he slid out of the room, locking the door behind him. 


“This would be a lot easier if you would cooperate ma’am, now, who are you?” The random agent barked at me. He was dressed in a suit that looked too small for his large size. 

“I told you baldie, name’s Azula, now let me talk to the big boys. You bore me.” I sat slumped in my seat, picking at my nails. 

He stood angrily, muttering a string of curses on his way to the door. 

“Alright sweetheart, you wanted to talk to me. Here I am.” Stark declared, taking a seat at the other side of the table. 

“Wonderful” I replied, finally slipping off the handcuffs I had undone hours ago. Folding my arms across my lap, “Tell me everything your little boyband knows on our infamous Winter Soldier.”

“All right now first of all, there are about 50 armed guards outside just waiting for you to make a run for it. So I strongly advise against it. Second of all,” He leaned back in his seat, a picture of cool arrogance, “you are in no place to make any demands around here, especially when you've told us nothing in return.”

He watched me closely while I countered, “Let's be real here Tony-can I call you Tony?” I didn't wait for an answer while I continued, “We both know I could get out of here anytime I want. So we know I'm here for a reason, yes?” My once thick accent had become far less noticeable, but certain words still showed the russian tongue I've had all these years.

“So what exactly are you proposing?” His voice wasn’t mocking, but genuinely curious. 

“Information for information” His brows furrowed in confusion, but he didn’t interrupt, “I have the information you so desperately want about HYDRA.”

“HYDRA was destroyed” he spoke, all too quickly.

“C’mon now Tony, we both know you don’t believe that.”

He looked deep in thought. I knew I had to deliver the final blow in order to really get him to work with me.

“And of course, your parents murder”



As you can tell, I do love a good cliffhanger

Let me know what you think! Until next time <3

Unhinged--Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now