Chapter 12

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With Bora,Yurim and Youi:


It took everything of their willpower to not go batshit crazy on their so called classmate after they continue gossiping about them during class, annoying the three omegas to the point of not being able to properly focus. Luckily no one in the room except for the teacher was able to tell that they were close to killing someone. If any of the three alphas knew about it, shit would really go down. 


As luck would have it, class finally ends and the girls pack their stuff in order to leave. Though before they can, some of the omega and beta fangirls stop them, surrounding them around their seats, making them curse them in their heads. ‘Is there something we can help with?’ Yurim asks in the most polite tone she can muster, while the fangirls scowl at them. ‘How about staying away from Nine Percent.’ One of the omegas says, making the girls internally roll their eyes at their antics. ‘Listen, you little sluts, Nine Percent are ours, you stay away from them and everyone will be happy. If you don't, we're gonna ruin your lives.’ During the whole time that the fangirl was talking, Bora Yurim and Youi were only regarding them with bored looks, not really listening to them. One of the betas noticed this and angrily asked: ‘Oi, are you bitches even listening to her?’ Youi then says: ‘I don’t see enough reason to listen to some harpy spout bullshit. Not to forget that you lowlifes would never in a hundred years ever be able to even come remotely close to ruining our lives. It also should be noted that the members of Nine Percent are their people and can talk to whoever they want, date whoever they want and so on. You little nobodies have no bit of influence in that department. What would your beloved boys say, if they find out you're trying to control their lives? Lastly we can’t forget that I just feel pity for you people, so jealous of your so beloved Nine Percent members, talking to some unknown omegas while you’ve never even been this close to any of them. How pathetic of you. ’ The three omegas then stand up, leaving a bunch of stunned classmates and three very smitten alphas, who dopily grin. 


With Mia, Dayoung and Bian: 


After the fiasco that was their first class, the three omegas leave class, none of the classmates noticing this until they were already long gone.

 While said classmates angrily curse the three omegas, said ones are happily talking about what they’re gonna do in the evening after work. Until they suddenly find themselves in front of three unknown alphas, who smirk at them. The three omegas give them confused looks, when the alphas greet them and hold out roses to them. The three omegas just end up looking more confused at this. 

Before any of the alphas can say anything, three certain members of Nine Percent call the three girls and are then seen, walking to the girls looking more tense than usual. As the three boys stop in front of the girls, the unknown alphas give them hateful glares, which they return with smirks. ‘Oh,’ Mia starts, turning to the unknown alphas ‘what were you about to say?’ ‘We were wondering if any of you three beauties would be interested in going on a date with us.’ One of the unknown alphas says, after he and his two friends recomposed themselves. Now it was Ziyis, Xukuns and Xiao Guis time to hatefully glare at the alphas. Meanwhile the three omegas give each other a look, when Dayoung replies: ‘We’re very sorry boys, but none of us are currently looking for any form of relationship. And even then, we wouldn’t go out with you even if our lives depended on it. We don’t hang around people, who only ask people out for some dumb dare or bet, Wu Lifan.’ The three alphas give the girls shocked looks, while the three members of Nine Percent smirk, taunting the three alphas behind the girls back. 

As the three alphas angrily leave, the three omegas turn to look at the three members of Nine Percent and promptly slap them on the back of their heads, making them whine asking why they did that. ‘You already know what you did.’ Was the only reply they got, before the girls left for their next class. 


With Yeri, Rachel and Hoyoung:


As the group of six waited by the principal's office with the rest of the class, parents started trickling in as well. Almost all the parents were now at the office, except for Yeris, Rachels and Hoyoungs, who suddenly enter, making all the other parents in the office and the teachers tense up, while the students look confused at who they are as to cause such a reaction. Innerly the three omegas laugh maniacally. 

‘Now then, as all parents are here, we shall start this meeting.’ The principal starts. ‘I called you all here because a big part of this group of students caused the destruction of an entire classroom.’ At this he pulls out a bunch of photos, showing the current state of the classroom, making all the parents stare in horror. The principal then continues: ‘Adding to the destruction, this group of students also tried attacking Yeri, Rachel and Hoyoung after they alongside the teacher, ChengCheng, Linong and Justin found them fighting and destroying the room. The three only stayed unharmed as ChengCheng, Linong and Justin kept them from harm, as well as their teacher having acted quickly enough, so that no harm came to any of the six students. After both their teacher and I repeatedly asked them what happened and why they were attacking others, all of them refused to answer which brings us here. ’ While Yeris,  Rachels and Hoyoungs parents were angrily glaring at the parents, the parents of the three Nine Percent members internally sighed in relief, while all the other parents were sweating bullets. ‘Huo MeiYi, what on earth were you thinking? Do you know how much trouble our family now is going to be in. Why would you attack the three girls?’ One of the mothers says, to which her daughter splutters angrily: ‘Why would we be in trouble? It would be a favor for every single student here, if those three and their stupid cousins would all just be dead. No one would care anyway. Even then they deserved getting attacked for taking away Nine Percent from us. We wanted to destroy the classroom and make it look like it was their fault, so that Nine Percent would stay away from them.’ ‘You foolish girl! The parents of the three are the kings and queens of Shiness, Boith and Cadaria!’ Her father angrily tells her, almost shouting, to which all students now tense up.

The parents of Yeri, Rachel and Hoyoung are angrily glaring at the students, who stare in horror after they realize their mistake, shaking more than anything, while their parents just shake their heads in disappointment. ‘You students did this, all over some jealousy. You all can be lucky that we’re not putting you into jail for trying to attack our kids. The next time this happens we won’t be so lenient.’ Jinyoung says, making the shaking kids gulp in fear as the cold gazes of the kings and queens pierce through them. ‘Your majesties, we’re most utterly sorry for the behaviour of our children. If we had known about this, we would have immediately stopped them. For our oversight, we give you our sincerest apology.’ One of the fathers says, while all the other parents bow in shame for what their children did. ‘You don’t have to bow. You shouldn’t have to be the ones to deal with the consequences of your children’s mistake as they should be old enough to be able to deal with them on their own.’ Tia says, to the parents, to which the principal finally asks: ‘What would you want the students to do then?’ ‘Unless they are in class, the students are not allowed near any of our children. And if any of them being royalty come out, you will be punished.’ Roeun says to the still shaking students, who nod. ‘Now for the actual punishment for the students, after having done all that destruction, you are to clean the room, compensate for all the things you destroyed and after having cleaned everything will be suspended for three weeks.’ 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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