Chapter One; Introduction

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He was stupid, abrasive, angry and too high on cloud nine to do anything about it. He didn't talk about his feelings, keeping then bottled up as he listened to another's. It was like he acted like all of this wasn't real, and that there were no consequences. He acted like he acted and nobody could do anything about it. He refused to talk to anybody he didn't know the name of and wouldn't interact with people if he didn't feel like it.

His entire being is like a closed pot of starch noodles on the stove and life was the fire underneath it. Yes, nothing's going to happen for a long time, the pot just getting heated up as life goes on. But once it gets too hot, the pot top explodes and the water leaks out into the flames. Wait too long without doing anything about it and the enitre thing is going to evaporate. Then you'll just be left with a hot, warping pot and a bunch of steam.

That is what Morris Park wrote about himself in anger management. Well, Morris just repeated what he heard adults say about him in the past. His parents, his teachers, his friend's parents... the school guidance counselor, Mr Mackey. Well, that's not entirely true either. He made up the boiling pot analogy. That's a pseudo-lie too, he took it from a book that he read on the car ride over to South Park when he was very young.

The Mary and Jerry Park we reserved folks, with too much to do. Morris just so happens to be a product of horrible parenting and emotional neglect. Mary was a flight attendant, so she was practically never home. Jerry, on the other hand, had an unstable relationship with work. He could do everything quite well, but never really excelled in anything... so he took on everything. Part time jobs usually. This forced the Parks to move for work, which was fine, every five years or so. This move was different, though. Jerry had found a full-time job at a local brewery in a small hick mountain town. South Park Colorado.

Hopefully he'll be able to keep this one down.

Mrs. and Mr. Park homeschooled their son, letting him meander after his homework and tests for the day were done. Morris had found a workaround for almost everything school related and he'd barely absorbed anything. Well, maybe the english stuff, but that's about it. He was dumb in every other class.

Morris was just on his own for the most part; He liked it that way.

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