Chapter 12; Retribution and Punishment

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By the next week, everyone in the school was whispering about Morris. Eyes trailing him, conversations hushed as he passed. It was quiet and Morris was loving it. Nobody came up to bother him or even remotely have a chance of touching him in the halls. It was bliss.

Well, until English when Tamara was sitting a little closer than usual. She immediately blushed red as he sat down, a note between her fingers as soon as the bell rung. Tiffany passed it over as they were going over homework, it reading;

'If I were to pay u $$ would u meet me behind the gym after school?'

Morris shook his head, not writing anything down and passing it back to Tera. He doesn't want to beat anyone up nor did he have time to go to whole foods for anything. Cut and dry delivery was more his thing.

'What if I pay u double???'

"No," Morris murmured, leaving it at that.

At lunch, Morris went to piss before entering the lunchroom. He saw Cartman there with his tray already so he just went straight to the roof without a glance.

Well, he tried to.

He was frantically approached by Kenny, the parka muffling his weirdly excited and rather crude rant about Morris's solicitation.

Morris stood rigidly, something bubbling up in his gut.

"And who said that?"

Kenny slowed down, saying a few names in which he got it through. He was still practically frothing at the mouth.

Morris's face got pale even thinking about someone touching him, let alone his bare skin. The phobia was quelled by the anger towards the rumor, rage swelling in his chest.

"Sorry, Kenny. I need to do something."

Morris left the boy standing as he approached Jack's table, the red hoodie reflecting something.

"Well, hello Mor-"

Morris's fist made his face audibly crunch, the 6th grade knocked off his bench and onto the floor, empty noggin thudding on the ground. The kid was dazed and the lunchroom broke into quiet whisps.

"I am not a fucking s.o.d, you jackoff obsessed dick joey carbone looking ass motherfucker!" Morris kicked the kid in the stomach, stomping on him, "Go. fuck. your. self."

His friends scampered from the table when Morris looked up from the groaning 6th grader. Other kids were just staring with horrified eyes. Morris kicked the already down kid, this time really hard, before walking out to the roof.

The goth kids were none the wiser.

When the next class was about to start, Morris figured that he'd come to class a little later. Just in case.

Morris sat next to Michael like normal, tearing the note out of the goth's hand and shoving it in his boot, not even bothering to read it.

He was mostly pissed that all of the school though he was a male hooker. He literally just delivered junkfood to his peers! Touchfree and he dips afterwards, going home to do nothing!

"Morris Park to the principal's office. Morris Park please report to the principal's office. Thank you."

Morris stood and left the class, most of then whispering as the door shut behind him. He took the longest way possible to the principal's office, looping the 2nd floor twice before going to the first floor.

Once in the office, as directed by the school receptionist, Morris's face dropped to see who it is. That PC guy from the grocery store.

"Have a seat." He said, motioning towards the seat before replacing his hands underneath his armpits.

Morris does, slowly.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened in the cafeteria?" He says, words snappy.

Morris sits there, eyes avoiding the obnoxious blue.

PC principal does not like that one bit. "When you look at someone who you're talking to, it shows respect. Now, I get that respect isn't on your mind right now, but to get anywhere that needs to change quickly."

No response.

He sighs and tries another angle, "So you punched a kid. Any reason?"

"He spread a rumor about me being a s.o.d."

"Forgive me for asking, but what is and s.o.d."

"Sex on demand."

"Right. But you hospitalized him."

No response.

"Mr Mackey has already been informed of the events that happened by another student. Several events, in actuality. Two when you were out of school."

Morris frowned, realizing that Eric Cartman told on him.

"This is the third offense, technically, so action is required. I'm sending you down to Mr Mackey's office with this envelope to give to him." He hands over a tan envelope. "Good day to you."

Morris was escorted by a janitor to Mr Mackey's office.

Morris left the office with a bigger slip of pre-printed paper with a freshly signed signature of one Mr Mackey. The slip was a two month mandatory class for anger management along with a professional psychologist. He was suspended for three weeks.

He went home to the longest lecture of his life. At least he was home.

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