A little one shot <3

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[ so my brain isn't working well, so here is a little one shot for y'all :3
I'm thinking of making a book for just one shots, so let me know if y'all would like that! Also if I don't update a lot, I'm just in a really bad mental state right now ^^' anyway, enjoy! <3]

[Warning! Smut kinda, and angst!]

"Oh come on josh! Just one ride!" Y/n whined at the younger boy who was in the middle of playing his game on his phone.

"No y/n! I'm waiting for Kate! Go with Deena or something" josh says as he finally looks at the girl who was staring down at him. "Ugh, fine! But just remember, I was Kate's lover before you!" Y/n says as she sticks out her tongue at the boy. "We both know that was platonic" josh says with a smirk. Y/n flips him off walks away looking for Deena.

The group was currently at the fair, you may be wondering, "where's Simon? And why isn't he with y/n?" Well you see, Simon and y/n got in a little argument before coming to the fair. Simon kinda, cheated on the girl..

As y/n was looking for Deena, she bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry-" y/n looked up and saw none other than, Simon. The girl quickly got up and started speed walking the other way. "Y/n!" She heard Simon yell. After a minute, Simon caught up to the girl.

"Y/n! I've been looking for you!" Simon said as he grabbed the girls arm to turn her around. As she faced him, the boy say tears coming from her eyes. Simon froze at that moment.

Did he really make her cry? He promised himself that he would never do that. He promised he would only make her smile or laugh even when he was hurting. He didn't want her to be hurt, especially if he was the one who made her feel that way.

"I-I'm sorry.." y/n mumbled. Simon looked at her, tears in his eyes now. "What..?" The boy said as he looked down at her. "I'm so..sorry.." y/n said as tears came faster down her soft, Rosie cheeks.

Simon knew her, and learned that she would apologize a lot when it comes to this kind of stuff. He wiped her cheek with his thumb and hugged her "Y/n..you have nothing to be sorry about, it's my fault for being stupid" Simon whispered in her ear. Y/n slowly wrapped her arms around Simon as she hugged back, scared that if she lets go, she'll lose him again.

"Please don't go..I don't want to lose you.." y/n said while sobbing. "I'm not going anywhere, ok?" Simon says as he lays his chin on the girls head. Y/n nodded slowly, still sobbing in the boys shirt.

After a bit, the two separated and looked at each other. Simon slowly came close to her, connecting his lips with hers. Y/n wrapped her arms around the boy's neck as she kissed back. Simon placed his hands on her waist and pushed her again the wall behind a food shop, no one would be able to see them or hear them from here.

Simon made his way down to her neck. "You really hurt me" y/n says as he kisses her neck, he stops for a moment, and mumbles a 'I know' and kisses her neck again. Y/n moans as he kisses her soft spot. "S-Simon..~" the girl moaned out.

"It's so much better hearing my name from your mouth.." Simon whispers in y/n's ear, going back to kissing and biting her soft spot on her neck. Y/n moans again while clawing his back. "F-fuck...~" y/n says.

After a bit of this, the two walked back to find their friends, once they all met up, they decided to go on the fairest wheel. Y/n and Simon got on one while Kate and josh got on one, and Deena and Sam got on the other. Simon looked at y/n as the moon shined on her beautiful face. "How did I get so luck?" Simon said as he looks at his beautiful girlfriend.

[ok ok! Sorry it's kinda short, but I was practicing my smut, and angst for a new chapter!
Have a good day/afternoon/night <3]

That one night ( Simon x fem¡reader ) fear street Where stories live. Discover now