issei meets zeus/ crushing half of the supernatural beliefs

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Issei finally reached the main hall and would see a blond man waiting for him











Zeus: there you are issei it's nice to finally meet you in person

Issei: the same to you zeus, what did you want to talk about?

Zeus: do you believe peace can be acheived?

Issei: as much as I want to say yes but right now we are not at peace so I cant really answer now. But hypothetically it could happen

Zeus: but aren't you tired of fighting other supernatural beings? would you step down as humanity guardian if peace is achieved?

Issei would answer his question

Issei: peace must be achieved first for me to even think about Something like that, And as for question about the peace talks and if peace can achieved you all must know that if you want peace, you prepare for war.

Zeus finally understands what type of person issei is and he can agree withis statements and asks one more question

Zeus: and if peace is achieved then what?

Issei: we finally rest and watch the future generation grow, nurture them while protecting them if necessary.

Zeus would walk up to issei and puts a hand on his shoulder and ay

Zeus: I believe you would be a great ally for us issei.

Issei: I think the same thing, you dont mind me showcasing my skill to a  warrior here do you? To show you that I'm not all talk?

Zeus: no that's fine we gods would like to see what your made of as well

Zeus picks out an opponent for issei which is a low class god who is extremely arrogant and cast a projection spell for the supernatural faction to see

Issei: so you are my opponent? let's make this interesting shall we?

Issei summons frostmourne which gives the gods watching chills looking at it what type of sword is that that give gods chillsLow class god: I already know I'm gonna beat you, you lowly human!!

Issei would disappointed already in his attitude and lack of respect and he would reply

Issei: is that so? How do you intend to do that?

Low class god: this sword style is absolutely perfect, easy pickings for some wretched human like you who doesn't know his place. This will be over in a second.

Issei: the perfect sword style you say?

Low class god: that's right. everything i made was perfect.

Issei Hyoudou: Humanity's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now