Chapter 19

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Theodore Talassi; a shrewd and smart man if nothing else. Shrew and smart men tend to develop personality traits that comport with their cognitive associations to the outside world, and Theodore was no exception. From his experiences thus far, Theodore had never been the most popular or the most well-liked; his intelligence and ineptitude in relating to his peers hindered his social life. But instead of taking accountability for his shortcomings, Theodore became determined to find "a scapegoat" or some outside means of explaining why the world did not revel in his brilliance. Who better than lowly Beast-Men? Sub-humans, in his mind, that could not possibly amount to the limitless potential for ingenuity and innovation that human kind showcased epoch after epoch.

To Theodore, humans still remained the top predators, and Beast-Men were just a scientific anomaly that had yet to be rectified. Nonetheless, smart and shrew men tend to try to manipulate and influence the immediate world around them, forging their interests into the landscape. Theodore was no exception once again; ridding himself of Frankie, and possibly even Jules in one fell swoop was his magnum opus. Still though, he owed some gratitude and credit to his "friend", his wealthy and affluent lady acquaintance who made him aware of Frankie's attempted power-play. He would have never learned of Julius' possible connection to Stephan if his friend didn't slide him some information. In all, it was just enough reasonable suspicion to bring to Marjorie's attention, and let her steel-trap mind do the rest. The added allure of getting revenge at a former flame was just the extra seasoning Marjorie needed on the situation.

Now, Theodore could do exactly what he wanted to: show his colleagues at the firm just how brilliant he actually was. Hmm. If only his friend would let him join in on this secret gambling scheme, he could show everyone everywhere just how brilliant he was. "Private society club my ass," Theodore thought aloud. "Probably just some weekend Buffalo Lodge for morons and oafs. But still, given all I've been charged and blessed with, my curiosity is getting the better of me..."

"Yep, you called it Doug; this Fang-Fight has a "storyline"; Manny took Nathan pursuant to Committee approval, giving a narrative to your upcoming fight. He's being kept in a safehouse run by the Pride Lands. He's safe, close by, and looked after, Frankie; Agatha assured me," Roger spoke after taking a swig of his glass. Frankie looked up from his hands, over towards Doug, who still bore a look of concerned determination upon his face. "It happens, Frank. It's fucked up, but it happens. At least we know Nathan is okay. I can't believe Aggy wouldn't say somethin', or warn us though...", Doug exhaled.

Frankie's pensive mind began to turn; he had never been a part of a "storyline" during his tenure with the Brotherhood to date, but he had heard about them: a fabricated and often times, a vicious machination of the Committee. He knew that usually when a "storyline" is implemented, a Beast-Man's personal life is paraded out as part of the match to be, typically in the form of a revenge or conquest narrative. "Storylines" were uncommon nowadays, as the Brotherhood generated enough income through underworld connections to satisfy bettors and investors. Despite this, the well-documented history of hatred between Manny and Frankie must've pushed favor towards creating one, let alone the fact that Frankie's backing of Julius likely stirred up the figurative wasp's nest of dissenters and agitators within the Committee. In sum, this was likely payback.

"The use of a civilian goes against Brotherhood code; I have always stood by Frankie's side when it came to his lifestyle, but this is too much! I demand the return of our son, and I will find those responsible!" Victoria seethed through gritted teeth. Frankie placed his hand softly on hers in an effort to both acknowledge and ground his wife back to realities of their situation. "Nathan is safe, Tori. While I wholeheartedly share your sentiments, they will not harm him, nor will this be forever. They stand to draw serious attention to themselves if something were to happen to him. We WILL get back at those who saw fit to take our little boy from us, but not yet. I need you to be strong for the next few days; this will not be easy," Frankie spoke softly.

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