Chapter 4

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Kurt's POV

I wake up to wolfie licking my face. I sigh and pet wolfie.

I sit up and notice the picture on the ground. Huh I wonder how it got there...

I lean over and grab the picture frame. I take a good look at the picture again. I notice how close me and Z were standing. I take a closer look. We are holding hands! Wait why would we hold hands? I thought we were best friends..... I'm so confused.

I get up and head to the kitchen to find something to eat, feeling thoroughly confused.

I am almost done when Z comes into the room.

"Good morning Z." I say

"Hi" Z replies around a yawn.

He looks really tired and has bags under his eyes.

"You ok Z?" I ask concerned

"Yeah, just didn't sleep very well."

"Do you want to talk?"

"No, but thanks for the offer."


"I've got to go to a meeting in a little bit."


I put my bowl in the sink and start walking around the house. I walk down a hallway and see more pictures.

One is of a huge group of people. I recognize me and Zisteau standing beside each other. I recognize Guude, Doc, Jsano, and Beef as well. I wonder who the other people are.

I look at another picture, it's of Z and I. Z is carrying me on his back.

Another Picture is of Beef and i wearing racing helmet. The rest of the pictures are the same way except one, it was Z and I.

I am in his arms, kissing him. Ok I am really confused. Why would I be kissing Z? I really need to talk to someone about this....

"Hey Kurt. I'm leaving." I hear Z say

"Ok" I call back.

I hear the door close. I go and sit on the couch, burying my face in my hands. Tears start streaming down my face. I'm so confused.... I wish I could remember. I wish I knew what was going on. I hear a knock at the door. I ignore it.

"Hey Kurt. it's Beef. can I come in." I hear after a few minutes.

"Sure" I say, but leave my head in my hands.

I hear the door open and close, and feel the couch dip beside me.

"You ok Kurt?" Beef asks

"No" I say and look up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I just wish I could remember what was happening in my life before this. I just want to remember everyone. I hate not knowing anyone. I'm just so confused."

"I know Kurt. This must be really hard." Beef says and hugs me.

I hug back and bury my face in his shoulder and cry.

I lift my head up, after a while and getting my emotions somewhat under control, and look at Beef.

"Thank you so much Beef, you are an amazing friend."

"No problem, I'm always around if you need to talk."

After a moment, I bring something up that had been bothering me "Actually there is something I wanted to talk about."

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