Test Results

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"Are you alright Uraraka?" Izuku asked as he approached the brown hair girl and removed the slab of rock  and then lifting her up princess style.

"My right ankle... it hurts." admitted Ochako as she was blushing for being carried like a princess.

"T-TIMES UP!" they once again heard Present Mic announce as all the participants instantly yelled.

"Dammit, I only got 5 points!"

"Shit! My mom and dad are gonna kill me!"

While some others were thinking about Izuku.

"What was that guy?"

"He suddenly jumped at the robot."

"Did you see how he stretched his arms?!"

"I want him to princess carry me."

'They're missing the point...' a guy with glasses said mentally. 'Didn't they see? He jumped out to save that girl.' he said looking at the brown haired girl.

'Of course, if this had been an exam I would've done the same thing and helped save those people!' the blue haired boy thought to himself before immediately realizing what he just said and how hollow it sounded. He could've easily just that with his speed but instead, he was to worried about possibly losing his points and risking people's lives for points.

As he was busy berating himself, Recovery Girl was on the scene. One of the flashy examine with a belt gave a short intro about who Recovery Girl was while she offered Haribo candy to a few people. When she reached Ochako and Izuku, she glanced at Ochako's ankle.

"Who's that?" asked one of the participants.

"Haven't you heard? That's Recovery Girl, she's the reason why U.A can do these types of things." one participant said.

"Missy, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Y-Yeah, my ankle is broken."

With that, she kissed Ochako's hand, letting her quirk heal Ochako's ankle.

"What about you sonny, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," waved Izuku, "There are several others I didn't get the chance to look at yet."

Recovery Girl nodded before trotting off to help the others. Mentally, she knew that Izuku would be a shoe-in for the Heroic course, but there was no point in spoiling that surprise.

Izuku after making sure Uraraka was alright, said his goodbyes and began to walk off. But Ochako called out to him, wanting to apologize for him losing his points because of her.

"Nah, it's alright. I'll just make it all up from the theoretical and academic portion." Izuku said before giving of his little laugh. "Shishishi."

But Ochako easily saw through that laugh as she watched Izuku walk away. Once Izuku was out of view the look on his face changed to a look of sadness, he believes that he broke his promise with Shanks and Ace as well as Koby.


Momo was sitting in front of her desk, reading some advanced chemistry books to further her quirk. She peeked at her cellphone and couldn't help but remember when she first met Izuku at the restaurant. But she quickly brushed that thought away as she began blushing.

'W-Why am I remembering that? He was just defending his friend.'

But her thoughts were soon cut off as she heard her phone go off. When she looked, she saw it was Izuku who texted her. She started reading the text with her smile slowly disappearing the more she read it. She quickly jumped got up and began changing her clothes as quickly as possible.

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