Chapter one

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"You're vain", I said telepathically, without thinking really. After spending so much time with her, hearing her constant thoughts of superficiality got to be a nuisance.

'Did I hear him correctly?? It almost sounded like he said I was vain. But that's impossible! I'm the perfect pretty girl, how could I possibly be vai- oh crap.'

I froze. Clearly all the time I've spent around her had gotten to my head. She didn't say anything vain, only her thoughts were. In Teruhashi's perspective, she didn't say anything to elicit me to call her that. The only way I could've known was through her thoughts; in other words telepathy. Shit. I think I just outed myself.

"I-", Teruhashi started, then paused to think, "I guess you're not exactly wrong, Saiki. But I just think- how did you exactly know that I was? I don't think I've said anything vain to you". Good grief, not even the confused face can save me now.


Teruhashi chuckled, but not like the kind of high pitched fake laugh she usually puts on. For once, it seemed sincere; real. She tucked her ocean blue hair out of her face so her eyes could meet mine.

"You have a secret, don't you saiki-kun? I can tell because", she hesitated, "I-I know what it's like to keep up a facade". My eyes widened. In Teruhashi's obsession with maintaining her perfect image, I never expected her to admit a flaw so openly. It's unlike her. 'Oh my gosh I can't believe I said that out loud. What if he hates me after this?! I won't be the perfect pretty girl to him, will I? I cant believ-'

"Teruhashi", I said, cutting off her cognitive rambling. Wow, speaking out loud feels so weird.

'Wow. That might be the first time I've ever heard him speak'

I sent her a message telepathically, "I do have a secret". No point in trying to hide

"I- really? What is it?" I thought this over one more time. I probably shouldn't tell her. It'd be beyond impractical. Having her change her attitude around me, or worse, telling other people about it. But the thought that I wasn't the only one hiding a portion of my identity seemed comforting, somehow. As annoying as she is, I wanted Teruhashi to feel the same way.

"I'm a psychic", I said telepathically, while slightly wincing. I mentally prepared myself for any over-the-top reaction she might have. Teruhashi studied me for a few seconds then cocked her head sideways, furrowing her brow.

"You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. So, this means you can read my thoughts?" she laughed," Hah, that's kind of embarrassing. I guess you know about my crus-". Teruhashi stopped, her cheeks turning red. "Sorry! Sorry! Pretend I didn't say anything. I- uh, heh".

'So Saiki's known all this time?! Oh my gosh this is so humiliating. God, he can probably hear my thoughts right now too! I- ugh, pull yourself together Kokomi'.

"I know my secret isn't as interesting as yours is. It's really just about how beauty and popularity are my only values. A lot of the time I only talk to people because I have something to gain socially from it. I tell myself I'm the perfect girl, when in actuality I'm the furthest thing from it. I'm a fraud."

Wow. I never expected her to be so self aware.

"Heh, I guess you already knew that though, being a psychic and all. I bet you feel kind of ripped off, huh. Trading the most interesting secret ever for such a bland one. Kind of a crummy transaction."

"No", I said telepathically, "This is why I don't tell people. I don't want anyone thinking I'm above them."

'Huh, that figures. Saiki never wants to stand out. Hey wait, since he's a psychic, should I even talk anymore? We could communicate telepathically!'

"You don't have to do that for me", I said.

"Heh, sorry. I guess it's just kind of comforting to know I'm not alone in this. Secrets are exhausting". I laughed, tell me about it. I looked down to the ground, watching our legs hang from the school bench, then back to her eyes. This moment would be a lot more enjoyable if it weren't for the 4 guys hiding behind the school silently cussing me out for being with her.

Teruhashi started with a smile, "You know Saiki, that might be the first time I've heard you laugh."

"I didn't".

"Ha, whatever you say. Anyways, I've got to get home. But I'll see you tomorrow, Ku-Kusuo". I frowned at her.

"Don't give me that look. We just exchanged our deepest secrets. I can call you by your first name."

"Fine," I replied, "I'll see you tomorrow, Kokomi". It wouldn't take a psychic to spot the vibrant blush that spread across her cheeks.

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