Chapter two

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Hey!! Since I didn't write this earlier, 'italics' with apostrophes is Saiki reading a character's thoughts. "Italics" with quotation marks is Saiki speaking without his mouth. Hope this clears up some things!

Chapter 2

'Saiki! Why did you tell Teruhashi about your ESP?! I want to be elite and be the only one who knows," Toritsuka complained.

"Good grief. Don't be so dramatic. Aiura knows too, you know." Seriously, this guy's entitlement is so annoying.

Aiura continued, "And why does Teruhashi get to call you by your first name?! You never did that to me even when we were dating!"

"That dating thing was just an act, remember? To get Teruhashi and her blonde friend to leave me alone." I looked around the bustling cafeteria room. The two supernaturals and I were sitting at the end of a long, empty table with scratches and chipped paint. I could literally sense the old chewed up gum stuck to the bottom on the table. People who still aspire to have psychic powers like mine baffle me.

"Ha! C'mon man you don't have to lie. I know that you're just tryna smash-"

I cut Torisuka off with a quick jab to the gut. Ugh, what a pain. I hit him to the point where his soul separated from his body. I really need to work on regulating my strength. I guess I should put him back so he doesn't die.

"Saiki!", Torisuka gasped, "Why would yo-"

"Consider that a warning."

"You know he has trouble regulating his strength. I'm sure he didn't mean to," Aiura  added.

I saw glowing yellow light in my peripherals. Ugh, I already know who this is.

"Saik- I mean Kusuo! Do you want to go to that new boba shop that just opened after school?".

Torisuka gave me this 'I know what's up' look and this time I wanted to kill him for real.

"I guess I have nothing better to do. Sure, I'll go."

I realize that accepting her invitation will only make her more attached to me, but seriously. Coffee jelly isn't the only dessert I enjoy, you know.

"Yay! This is so exciting! I'll meet you by the cherry blossoms in front of the school."

Good grief, cherry blossoms? How much more cliche is this going to get?

[Writers Note: It's not cliche at all.]

Yes it is.

[Are you even allowed to break the 4th wall like this?]

Anyways, back to what I was saying, my sweet tooth trumps my annoyance for Kokomi. Sometimes, compromise is key.

[Yeah, sure.]

Shut up.


2 hours later, after school.

"Kusuo! I knew I'd find you. The cherry blossoms are so pretty this time of year". Corny, but she isn't wrong.

'Today's your lucky day, Kusuo. It's not every day that you get to go on a date with a pretty girl such as m- crap, you can totally hear this, can't you. Old habits die hard I guess.' I sighed, at least she is actively trying to change.

"How far is the boba place from here?"

"About a 25 minute walk from here. Does that sound alright?"

There's no point in trying to hide my abilities from her anymore, I figured; she already knows. Guess I might as well.

I took my hand and placed it on her shoulder, to which her face went bright red. Damn it, I need to teleport us out of here somehow. Whatever, I'll finish what I started. I warped myself and the blue haired girl to a park, one block away from the boba shop. Within the trees, nobody could see me using my abilities.


I put my hand to my mouth, stifling a laugh, because what did she expect?

"Kokomi, I told you I'm a psychic."

"I know, but it's so surreal to see for yourself! Ha! I don't know why you keep your powers to yourself, this is amazing!", Teruhashi exclaimed.

"It's a long story. Plus, I don't like to stand out, you know that".

'Heh, I'd overreact again if it meant I could see him smile like that'.

Good grief. She can be such a pain.

Hehe in the next chapter you can look forwards to their first date(ish)

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