Chapter 3

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This chapter is a lil' angsty so trigger warning for anxiety and whatnot.


Kokomi gripped tightly to my wrist as we entered the boba shop. I turned towards her and studied her face. She still looked a little wind blown from the teleportation, her eyes frantic and hair in a mess. This... is a strange feeling. I'm the one who made her feel this way. I.. I don't like it.

I distracted myself by taking in the scenery around me. A little bell chimed as we made our way through the front door. The walls were painted a periwinkle blue, dotted with little black orbs. I assumed they were supposed to be tapioca pearls. It's a small shop, but with such a quaint yet modern interior, it's bound to get popular in no time.

Then again, looks aren't everything. The nice decor means nothing if the actual boba tastes bad. Teruhashi is living proof of this phenomenon.

"I can help you whenever you're ready!", the girl behind the counter smiled. Crap, I don't even know what I want yet. Kokomi walked up to her, her voice slightly cracking as she took her order.

"One regular sized Thai milk tea, please". Good grief, the feeling is back again.

"I'll have the strawberry lychee special". Kokomi chuckled.

"What's so funny", I asked.

"You really do have a sweet tooth, Kusuo". She pressed her hand to her mouth to prevent any more laughs from escaping. Oh well, at least she doesn't appear to be as frightened now. I can be content with that.


We sat on the cushioned booth pressed against the window, bubble teas in hand. The boba was delicious, but I could only think of that bizarre feeling when we entered the shop. Was that.. shame- no- remorse?

"Kusuo! What do you think? It's pretty good, huh".

I looked over her shoulder to see Torisuka tapping on the glass and making stupid kissy faces. That idiot must have a death wish.

"Go away. I'll break into the temple and burn all your magazines if I have to", I snarled. Death doesn't scare this man, yet somehow the loss of his explicit magazines does. Although I don't understand him, I know to aim for the weak spots.

'Damn Saiki, that's cold,' his thoughts read as he slowly backed away from the window, both of his hands facing up.

'...Torisuka? What was that about?'
Damn, looks like she saw him.

"Ignore him. He's an idiot". I stared at my beaten up converse while trying to suck up an abnormally large pearl lodged in the straw. Enough of this; trying to distract myself. I need to say something.

"I'm sorry", I said to her, clearing my throat.

"You're sorry? Why?"

"When you got frightened. When I... when I teleported us. It was thoughtless of me", I communicated to her, going back to using telepathy.

Kokomi replied, "What? No, no, no, no ,no. Kusuo you- you don't need to apologize! I- I guess it was just new to me, so that's why I freaked out. But that's not your fault! It's my fault for being such a baby about it".

"No. It isn't. Just because I'm a psychic doesn't mean I'm infallible. I knew that you didn't have experience with anything supernatural, yet I teleported us here without a word of explanation".

Of course she could be scared. Good grief, I wish I would've thought this through.

"Seriously, Ku, I don't want to to worry about it. Honestly, after the anxiety passed, it felt like the greatest thrill of my life."

"Okay, 'Ku' is where I draw the line."

"Well, you were pretty sweet for about..", she checked the time on her phone ",..ten seconds? That's got to count for something".

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the sarcastic one."Kokomi wholeheartedly chuckled to that. I looked down to my bubble tea cup, which was somehow empty already. I listened to the sound of glistening ice against glass as I stirred the cup with my plastic straw.

Kokomi Teruhashi, thank you. For showing me what it's like to feel empathy.

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