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The wedding ceremony began. Katsuki walked down the aisle as the doors opened and Izuku's arm was supported by his.

He was followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, the flower girl, the ring bearer and finally Uraraka.

She was dressed elegantly in a sleeveless white gown. She was wearing long white gloves and smiling so hard that it appeared to hurt.

When they arrived at the altar, Izuku pulled away from Katsuki, which was fine with him, and went to his own seat.

He couldn't look Izuku in the eyes. He had to look at the stained-glass windows, the fancy flower bouquets strewn about, or the other guests.

The priest went to his perch at the front and opened a small, black book which seemed to be the bible.

And after that, Katsuki tuned everything out. He didn't hear the priest or Izuku's and Uraraka's vows.

"I do."

It felt like a bullet to Katsuki's heart. Sure, he wasn't coughing petals anymore, but that didn't stop him from being uncomfortable with the loss though.


It was difficult. Despite his constant tired state and sore lungs, he really does want to see Izuku.

Katsuki was staring at him with those wide emerald eyes. He could see the tears running down those freckled cheeks with just a glance - even when they weren't there.

The man in front of him was his everything; who supported him even when he shouldn't have.

He was his polar opposite, his foil; where Katsuki fell short in generosity and kindness, Izuku easily filled in the gaps.

"Deku, I-" He started the sentence - "Just shut up for a minute, okay?"

He just needed to say it. Just tell him and get it over with.  So he drew in a breath to steady himself as he looked back to the other to speak.

"Izuku, I know I can't just leave us to chance anymore. To destiny, or something else."

Izuku's eyes grew wide at the realization of what the other had said. 

"W-wait Kacchan, You and Aiko are still together.. Right?"

"I'm breaking up with her."

Izuku narrows his eyes.

"I thought there was never a time when my mind and heart were in sync. I'm hoping I'll get it right this time."

"You'll break Aiko's heart for me?"

Izuku licks his lips, his eyes dart between his fingers, calculating, hoping he's mistaken.

God, please let him be miscalculating.

"Izuku i want to talk with you, i want to kiss you again, which is why I'm here."


"We didn't have the most perfect relationship, but we knew deep down that we had found to heal each other in the most unusual ways. I felt something for the first time in many years back then, and it was with you."


Katsuki averted his gaze when Izuku put Urarakas' wedding ring on her finger, and she did the same for Izuku.

It was all he could do to keep himself from getting up and running away the room.

His chest felt pained again, he was reminded of the pain he felt before his surgery.

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