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~ I realize some parts were repeated...its because they are from different POV and their view when that part happened.~



Everything was black. I felt like my body was lifeless. Was I dead?

I opened my eyes, everything was still black. I slowly tried to reach up to touch my eyes. I found I couldn't move at all. I then started to feel the cloth rubbing against my nose.

I tried to figure out where I was. It was hard to breath. I was being jolted around and I heard a hum from what sounded like a motor. I started to hear muffled voices getting louder and more clearer.

"Is lover boy awake yet," somebody said.

"I don't know, but to make sure give him another dose," another demanded.

I felt a cloth go over my mouth and I fell back into the darkness. I tried to fight it, but lost and let it overcome me. There was just nothing left to do.



I looked over at Camilla. She was wincing in pain as the police took pictures of every welt or wound. They observed every detail. One would occasionally walk over to us and ask us a question or two.

"When did she stop at your house?"

"Yesterday,day before maybe?"

I wasn't sure anymore, the days seemed to blend together. I just met Camilla, but it feels like she has been my friend for life. I trust her, and it seems like she trusts me.

Somebody moved her leg to get a better picture, and Camilla screamed in pain. Looking at me the whole time. Her eyes begging me to make the pain stop. I knew I would take the pain from her in a heartbeat if I could.

Camilla screamed again.

I looked up to find her running (mostly limping) over to me. She looked down at my lap, mentally asking if she could sit. When I nodded she plopped down on my lap, and snuggled into my chest. I held her in my arms, I held her like nothing could get past my arms to her. I barely know anything about this girl that is here. I know she was abused and kidnapped. Nothing else, I don't know anything else about her. I kissed the top of her head. I did that because, I know one thing about her that I was positive about. That I love her. Yes, I fell in love with a girl named Camilla Jackson.



I watched Camilla sit down on James' lap just like a child does. It was obvious he liked her. You could tell by the way he looked at her. His eyes twinkled every time their eyes met. You could almost see the fireworks blowing up in his heart right now. The way he hugged her an protected her.

I looked over at him and saw he was doing exactly that. I watched him lean his head forward, as he kissed the top of her head. She scooted as close ad she could, and she closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep.

WOAH DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! He has never done that move to a girl before. He must really like her. There's something to bring up to my best friend later haha!



I looked down to see about 7-10 police officers around me. 2 taking pictures of my legs, and 1 to take pictures of any other bruising or cuts. There were another 2 outside the door for security, 2 for inside security, 2 shouting me questions, and 1 asking simple questions to James and Austin. I was scared and in pain. I looked over at James just as someone touched my leg. I screamed,not keeping my eyes off of James. I could almost see the fear and pain in my eyes reflecting like a mirror onto his. I finally had enough of the pain. I ran over to James,unsure whether I should sit on his lap or stand there. He must of saw my uncertainty because he nodded. I sat down and snuggled into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me almost like a barrier that nobody could get through to me. I felt him kiss the too of my head. I felt like I was at home again. With my dad kissing the top of my head, usually before I went to bed. With that thought I realized I haven't slept well in days. I started to feel my eyelids get heavier. Soon everything was darkness. Every single voice muted from my ears every thought carefree. Free as the summer breezes my thoughts swarmed in my head making the perfect small dreams form into the biggest dream of my life. It was perfect. I just wished all of life was as perfect as this moment right now. Then I would be safe forever.


~Hey guys!! Well since I'm to tired to find a fact or contest there will be none....sorry!! Well first, Hi Emma,Hi Raina,and Hi Niamh do any of you actually read my story anymore (i know you do Niamh) .

Well do you even look at it when I reply back to your comments. Only like 3 people reply back to me.

So I will still read all comments as usual but I will only start replying to the people that actually read my replies so comment

YES!!! If you want me to reply and you read them.

NO!!! If you dont want me to reply because you dont read my replies anyway.

Got it?

Bye darlings!!!~

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