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~sorry if end is choppy, I had to race to get it done cause it was getting late.~



James is starting to get me worried. He cares more about Camilla then his own health. What's going to happen if he finds her and one of the kidnappers tries to attack Camilla? He could get himself killed. Is that what true love is? Will I ever feel this way about somebody? Ever?

When James said we needed to find Camilla, I was stunned. What clues are actually going to get him to find her? He's not a cop, and even the cops are having trouble!! What's he plan on doing?



We think my daughter has been taken to California. CALIFORNIA!!! THATS THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY!!! I'm trying my hardest not to hyperventilate.

Ok breath. In and out, in and out, in and out.

"Will we be able to get to California soon?" I asked.

"We were about to call and get all of us on a plane," said one of the cops, that Mae called Susan.

"Thanks, children we better start packing," I said with all the enthusiasm I could muster.

"How long are we going to be there?" Rosella asked.

"We aren't sure, pack as much clothes you think your suitcase cam handle, or pack two suitcases whichever you feel comfortable with," Susan explained.

"What about the house? What if they come to stalk us like before?" Rosella asked.

"We will have security set, and police on call," the other cop referred to as Max, as Susan called him.

"We will also have you police escort to your house, to the airplane, and everywhere you go in California, just to be safe!" Susan tried to sound happy,but I could see in her eyes that she hid the pain.

After some clear instructions on what time we leave, what time we should arrive, where to go, and more we finally left for our house. We packed everything we could fit, in about 2 suitcases each, plus the girls had purses carrying mostly make-up.

I couldn't wait to get my baby girl back home.



I watched as my family packed for California. I can't believe the farthest family vacation we would be having for awhile is just to save our daughter/sister from dying.

Questions flew through my mind. Why her? Why did they kidnap her, why not Mae or something (not like I want her kidnapped either)? What was their reason for kidnapping Camilla? Will we ever find her? Or will the next time we meet her we will be digging her grave?

I tried to push all negative questions out of my head, but there was always that one that would make its way through.

After a few hours, we were finally done. We grabbed everything, and headed out the door to our car. We loaded everything into the back, and off we went. There were police cars in front and behind us as we drove to the airport.

Then,we finally arrived there.



When we got to the airport it was really crowded. We were being pushed around by random strangers. We gathered our bags from the car and handed the keys to the police (who offered to take it to the house incase the kidnappers came to spy.)

We made our way through the crowd, and found out flight. We gave the flight attendant our tickets, and headed to first class.

Yes,first class. The police payed for the flights for us. They thought because of everything we have been through they insisted on paying for everything. Also about 2-3 officers came with us for "extra protection" or as Susan called it, extra vacation.

It took hours traveling to California, but I slept most of the journey. Since Jake's parents couldn't come because of work we promised to keep them informed of any leads,clues, whatever we find.

We landed about noon California time,(1:00pm Nebraska time) and searched for more police holding signs with our names on it.


FOUND IT!!! We made our way over to them, who after a small conversation, drove us to our hotel.

We were on the 22nd floor,Camilla's lucky number. After discussing what we should see first (sightseeing) we decided to just take a nap first.

Then a little after 5:30 p.m. we heard a knock on the door.

Dad got up first and raced to the door. He opened the door and looked out, nothing was there but a small note taped to our door.


Those 5 words were all that was on it.


~ I will answer some comments here.

1. I know somethings are spelled wrong, after I'm done with the book I'm going to go through and fix them, SO CALM DOWN!

2. People asking me to read their stories, if I have time I will try if it sounds good to me. But if I don't, DONT CONTINUE ASKING ME IT JUST MAKES ME ANNOYED WITH YOU. I'm fine with you asking but if I say no, don't continue asking. Got it?

3. Don't tell me how to write my story or how you think should come next. It annoys me. GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY STORY LEAVE IT.

I cant thing of anything else so,yeah

Here's some free virtual kittens to you guys. Enjoy! DOWN FLUFFY DOWN!!




-Muah ~

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