•The lonely boy on the swing•

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"Aunt Mito! I'm going out to play! I'll see you in a bit!" A small green tipped-haired boy yelled from the living room, slipping on a pair of white socks.

"Alright Gon, but be back before dinner and take an umbrella! I heard on the radio it was going to rain today, also please wear your rain boots. I don't want to go through the hassle of cleaning and scrubbing the mud off them again." His Aunt shouted chopping up some onions.

"Okay! I will!" Gon shouted back with a smile on his face.

As promised He put his dark green rain boots on and snatched a green umbrella with white polka dots scattered on it from the umbrella rack. He also put on a yellow rain coat and ran out the door.

The young boy ran into the nearby fields playing with the insects and picking up multiple colored, honey scented, flowers. He then ran inside the green forest to see his Foxbear friend, Konta.

Once he spotted the small furry cub his smile beamed, "KON!"

The bear took notice and turned to meet a pair of arms hugging him. The Cub began to lick the young boys face with small friendly growls...

"Come on! Let's go play tag!" The boy said pointing to a small creak.

As the boy walked towards the creak, the Foxbear followed. They ran around and tackled each other. They played for what seemed like hours...They even caught some fish as an evening snack.

When both friends began their third round of fish, the human boy felt a water droplet hit his nose. He looked up and the sky began to let out a light rain. The boy frowned knowing he couldn't play anymore. He let out a sigh and got up...

He opened his polka doted umbrella and looked at his friend.

"Sorry konta, I can't play anymore because it's raining and I promised aunt Mito to be home by dinner. We can play later when it clears up." He said waving a goodbye and running off. The rain became heavier and louder...


As Gon walked through the grassy pathway, the heavy rain made little thumping sounds on the roof of his umbrella. The rain rushed through the crevasses of of the umbrella and splashed onto the ground, soaking the dirt inches away from his body...

The boy stopped when he heard the sound of metal creaking...he turned his head to see another young boy, so ever slowly swinging back and forth. His hair wet from the rain and his clothes soaked to the bone with a crimson red shade of blood...

Gon pinched his nose at the horrible stench, the boy's nose was due sensitive and easily caught onto the faint smells...but worry flowed through him. He slowly approached the white haired boy...

"Are you alright?" Gon asked clutching his umbrella...

The boy didn't even bother look at him, Gon then reached out to place his hand on the other boys shoulder but was stopped. The white haired boy looked at Gon with dark blue, empty, dull eyes...

His grip tightened on Gons wrist earning a small wince of pain. The ravened haired boy tried pulling his hand away and was unsuccessful in doing so....

"H-hey! Ow! Your hurting me!" The boy cried and continued to struggle pulling his hand away from the other boy.

The white haired boy finally let go and Gon fell on a puddle with a splash...

Gon furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at the boy who gave him a small glare...Gon stood up and picked his umbrella up...

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you!" Gon panicked and scurried away...


Once the young boy made it home he took his shoes off and placed his umbrella back in the rack with the others, along with his coat on the hanger. He washed up and ate the yummy miso soup his Aunt Mito made...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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