Discontinued (A/N)

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Officially discontinuing this. Not only have I lost inspiration to write Dreamnotfound but I've also left the fandom due to how toxic it's been. I don't hate or judge anyone in the fandom, I think that the fandom can also be a very safe and nice space. Although for the most part, it tends to be toxic.

I struggle a lot with how mistreated the LGBTQ+ community is in the fandom, as it has multiple queer ships with mostly straight content creators. I won't hate on anyone who ships any of these characters/CCs, because obviously I used to as well, but I'm not comfortable writing about them anymore.

I'm not going to delete this story as some people find comfort and enjoyment in these ships and stories, which is amazing for them! I've just decided to let anyone reading know that I will not be writing anymore of these oneshots. I don't want this to turn into a fight over whether or not the fandom is toxic or anything like that, as I have respect for both people in the fandom and people who disagree with it.

Now that that's all said, I would also like to thank you all for almost 1000 reads. It's surprising to know how far this story has come and I hope some time soon I'll find inspiration to write about other fandoms and post it here on Wattpad! Tysm everyone<3

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