season one, episode six (part 1)

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"I am so sorry, Tanaka!" Hinata continued to freak out, apologizing over and over to his upperclassman. "I mean it!"

Tanaka tied his dirty pants in a plastic bag, carrying them far away from his body with a frown. He looked down at the bowing ginger. "I told you, it's okay. I'm worried about you. Do you feel any better yet?"

Sugawara offered (y/n) a hand as she grabbed her bag to step out of the bus. She looked down at his waiting hand then back to his eyes before finally smiling and placing her smaller hand in his. The gray-haired boy shivered. Her skin is so soft.

"Thank you," she mumbled with a smile, pulling her bag over her shoulder. She spared a look in the ginger's direction and cocked her head to the side. "Yeah, Hinata, I agree with Tanaka. You sure you'll be okay to play today?"

The grey-haired upperclassman immediately felt the absence of the girl's warmth, a feeling of longing bubbling around in the pit of his stomach. He frowned but proceeded to shut the bus door behind her.

"Yeah..." the boy shrugged, still incredibly thankful for her concern. "I feel better now that I'm off the bus and I've rested a little bit."

Tanaka grinned, his eyes flickering towards the girl beside him. "Sweet! I'm glad to hear that!"

(y/n) smiled, too. "Are you sure? I can always grab you some crackers or water to help calm your nerves a bit."

The ginger stood up from his bow and looked up at her. His eyes were wide, as usual, the remnants of stars near the center of his eyes. "Don't worry about me, (y/n)! I'll be just fine - you'll see!"

The girl shrugged and readjusted her bag. "Whatever you say."

"After all, whether we win or lose today totally depends on you," Tanaka continued, turning away just as Hinata's expression fell. "And let me hit everything unmarked like you got to do in the three-on-three, okay?"

(y/n) parted her lips. "Um, don't worry, Hinata! I'm sure you'll do great out there! Besides, it's just a practice game!"

The third year shoved him lightly. "Tanaka," Sugawara hissed, "Don't pressure him!"

"I-I'll do the best I can!" The boy scrambled away from the bus. "I'm going to the bathroom!"

"Wait," (y/n) called after him. "Hinata, wait! Stay with the group!"

Despite the girl's calls, Hinata continued running away from his team in search of Aoba Johsai's bathrooms. She dropped her tense shoulders and sighed, shaking her head. The first year swiveled around to find her other friend on the ground.

Kageyama, who finally took notice of Hinata's steady disappearance, stood up from the ground, yelling, "Huh? He's getting sick again? That is so pathetic! I'm gonna teach him a lesson!"

The black-haired boy started rolling up his sleeves, his feet slamming against the ground as he prepared to chase the smaller boy. (y/n)'s eyes widened a bit as she moved to grab Kageyama by his forearm, holding him back from attacking the receding boy.

"Stop, Kageyama! He's just nervous!" (y/n) felt the boy relax under her touch. What she didn't feel was the wave of euphoria that washed over Kageyama's arm, his skin basking in the goosebumps she caused. He dropped his arm.

Daichi, who had pushed the bus door back open to step out, groaned. They're already fighting? God, I can hear them from inside the bus!

The captain prepared to lecture the temperamental boy before seeing that their newest recruit, their new co-manager, had stopped Kageyama from tearing Hinata limb from limb. She held him by his arm, trying her best to calm her friend down.

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