Chapter 2

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As the four friends walked back home to try out their brand new game, Zach eyes glisten as if he found a treasure chest Johnny interrupted Zach's moment by waving his hand in front of Zach face. "Are you going to be okay Zach you look like you just won a million dollars" Zach glanced at Johnny for a brief moment before he looked back at the case " Can you believe it guys we waited all year for this game now we can finally play it" Zach said as he continued to stare at the case. Kevin and Anthony were having their own little conversation in the back "Kevin" Anthony said as he looked up in the sky" Kevin looked at Anthony and said "yea". " Do you ever think about what's out there, in space" Anthony said as he continued to look up in the sky Kevin stopping for a brief moment " I do actually all the time" Anthony gave a little chuckle " of course you do, now let's catch up before they forget that were even here". The four friends arrived at Anthony house to drop him off, as they headed towards Kevin's , Zach said "I can't wait to play oh man this is going to be so awesome" as they got to Kevin house, Johnny told Kevin "make sure you go online at 9:00 pm sharp or were playing without you..ok". Kevin smiled back and said "ok". Johnny lived right near Zach, it took them 5 minutes to walk back home finally they were all about to experience the first realistic virtual game. As Zach and Johnny made it home they both yelled at each other "9:00 sharp" Anthony was in his room thinking about how awesome this game is going to be. Anthony was an only child his mother and father died in a car crash on there way home. His aunt Olivia take care of him and is just like his mother kind, sweet, and she is very wise. " beep" "beep" Anthony's alarm clock went off it was 9:00 "finally" he said time to go online.

Anthony turned on his virtbox 1000 he placed his head gear on "it looked just like a motor cycle helmet but with a bunch of wires on it" he thought as he picked it up. Anthony was ready all he had to was turn the switch to on as he took one last breath he flip the switch Anthony was finally in the game. The sensors in the helmet scanned Anthony genetic codes. Anthony was stunned how awesome the helmet was as he looked down at his self the helmet did everything perfectly. From head to toe it was exactly the same, Anthony looked around everything felt and looked so real especially when they added the new feature where you can pull up the menu by swipe of your hand. Anthony swiped left to his friends list to see if Zach,Kevin, or Johnny was online. They were and just on time too, Anthony joined the three of them light flashed between Anthony eyes next thing he knew was that Zach was looking at Anthony. " It's about time you showed up we were thinking about start without you but" Johnny cut Zach of " We you mean you were but anyways glad your bro" Kevin said eagerly "Lets start already". "Yea lets see what this game has to offer" Anthony said with a smile on his face, they went though all the mechanics of the game. From upgrading your self, to mastering you weapon, you even choose with type you would like be as a fighter,healer,swordsman,and bowman. Anthony was a swordsman, Kevin was a healer, Zach was a fighter , and Johnny was a Bowman. After they sparred to test out their new abilities, a message was sent to all the players to return to the plaza. As they teleported back they saw a bunch of people they even saw a couple friends from school. "I didn't know Brice played games, I thought he was more of a jock then game." Anthony spotted a girl from school " Aye guys ain't that Sarah" Johnny giggled and said "Ain't that your lover" Zach hopped into the conversation "Oh that right don't you still like her Anthony".

Anthony looked red "shut the hell up both of you before I kick both your asses" Kevin laughed "He told yous" then he gave another chuckle. 1 min where left on the clock before the game officially starts mostly everybody looked nervous except the beta users who played before. But still no one really knew what to expect everybody started counting down when the timer hit 20 seconds then there was 15 seconds, then 10 seconds, then 5 seconds. Anthony felt dizzy every started to yell "THREE!!!, TWO!!!, ONE!!!. I man appeared in the middle of the plaza. Only he had a robe with a hoody on he looked into the crowd. Then "Boom" he body enlarged everybody freaked out for a moment then man started to talk " Welcome to worlds end online, I hope you guys have everything you need for this journey know there are a few rules". Anthony caught a glance which looked like a smile,the man started to speak again " a Rule number one you can't log out, number 2 if you die here then you die in real life, number 3 there are no restrictions,". Everyone swipe open there menu bar to find the log out button but they couldn't find it everyone I. The plaza started to freak out, some thought it was some sick joke,others thought it was a glitch. But Anthony knew this was no glitch they man did this on purpose "SILENCE!!!" The man yelled throughout the entire plaza " There only one way to go back home and that is to beat the final boss and win the game.

Everyone started to form clans, go raid villages for supplies, Anthony was stunned he couldn't believe his eyes he started thinking about what if they don't beat the game and have to spend their whole lives here. Zach called Anthony " are you ok Anthony, we will beat this, we will go back home" Johnny added in by saying ". Yes but for now let's form this clan first so we can be on are way" The 4 decide to name there group "The rebellion". Anthony was silent think to himself, Anthony was one of the beta testers who got a chance to play the game. Anthony wanted to tell his friends but he didn't know how they'll feel about it. "I think we should try to go find another village we be able to have more time to collect items before other players start heading there" Anthony said. "Good idea" Zach said "we'll be able to get a head start, because they will be to busy cleaning the plaza out". "Alright let's go then" Kevin said before someone else gets the same idea" the four headed out to the other village now it's a game of survival of the fittest Anthony thought as they started to run.

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