The power of evil

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Emilie walked down the hall the next morning, following Gabriel, when she realized, he'd come out of Nathalie's room. She marched over to Ian's door and pounded on it, he opened the door and looked at her.

I- What?

E- How come Agreste was in Nathalie's room?

I- I kicked him out.

A- You what?!

E- Why would you do that?! We had a deal.

I- I can't stand that guy, there's no way I could share a room with him.

E- What the hell did he do?!

I- He must have taught Nathalie some weird karate thing.

E- Why? Because you tried to seduce her and she fought back? She usually does!

I- Not like that, it's like she was protecting someone, but not herself.

E- Oh you are such an idiot.

She slammed the door shut and continued down the hall.

A- What do we do now, Em?

E- For one, we have to see where he's going, Nathalie already left the room.

They crept along the halls, they were empty this early in the morning, they heard talking in the library, and crept in, hiding behind a book shelf.

A- They're so close.

E- Too close.

They crept closer to hear what they were saying. 

G- Thanks for letting me stay.

N- There are two beds for a reason.

G- Yeah, I know.

He helped her arrange a few books and reach the taller ones. Emilie growled and stood up, walking towards them, grabbing a random book so it would look like she was here for a reason.

N- Why are you here?

E- I wanted to get a book.

N- The library isn't open yet.

E- Then why is he here?

G- The librarian said I could volunteer here too, help Nathalie reach the taller shelves.

 N- I know you don't volunteer at all, so you'll have to go.

She grabbed the book from Emilie's hands, looking at the cover.

N- Didn't know you were into Dora.

E- It's not for me.

N- Get out.

She put the book back down in the basket, and ushered Emilie out, Audre snuck out as well.

E- Uh, now we have to watch from the window.

A- Or record through the window.

Emilie turned on her blackberry and decided to film them, from inside, Nathalie rolled her eyes. 

G- What?

N- They're filming us. 

G- Well, if we don't give them anything to film, there's no point.

N- Or we get the hell out of the way.

She grabbed the book basket and led him around a corner, where they couldn't be seen unless you were in the library. 

N- This one goes at the top, very end on the left. 

They organized the books, and once they were done, they opened the wide doors and it was open to the students. Emilie wasn't there anymore. Just as Nathalie had presumed. Her and Gabriel proceeded to the computer lab for coding classes. 

N- So, I'll help you catch up on what we've done previously. 

She leaned over the back of the chair he sat on and let him log in, before guiding him as to what to do. Emilie took a picture, she knew just what she'd use these for. 

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