May I have this dance?

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Emilie watched Gabriel and Nathalie from the other side of the ballroom, with Ian beside her. 

E- I don't like this. Do something.

I- What the hell do you want me to do?

E- Get her away from him. 

I- She's your enemy, not mine.

E- I thought you hated Agreste?

I- No, you were the one who told me to kick him out.

E- Whatever, you do something, or I will.

I- Fine.

He walked over to where they were and grabbed a random girl who was dancing by herself and came closer and closer to where Nathalie and Gabriel were dancing, but when he realized they'd left, he let go of the girl and made his way through the crowd back to Emilie. 

E- Did you do anything useless?

I- I would've, except that they've left.

E- They've what?!

I- Look, by the door.

He pointed to the exit just in time to see the trail of Nathalie's dress go out the door.

E- Why didn't you go over there, then? Huh?! Give me one good reason!

I- Well, probably because I don't give a damn.

He saw the girl again and went back to dance with her, Emilie growled and went to find Audre. Meanwhile, Nathalie and Gabriel decided to go back to their dorm room, it was 10pm and they were getting tired. Nathalie decided to change into the black pyjamas she'd always worn. She waited for Gabriel on a chair that was pulled out in front of the desk, she was looking at the school blog, when something popped up on the side of the screen.

N- Oh god.

G- What is it?

Gabriel came out of his bathroom and looked over her shoulder, as she pressed on the video. The intro was of a news station, and her mother's picture was shown.

...- Today we have news that at Francois DuPont high school, the daughter of this woman will be singing for a movie the students will be starring in, the play was written entirely by the students, the songs weren't, but this video was shared multiple times today, and the young girl singing is only14, and her name is Nathalie Sanceour.

It showed the video of her singing let her go, and someone had filmed her singing Control in the studio. 

...- Majority of the population has already asked when the soundtrack will be released, but there is still no answer. We have a special interview from Mrs.Sanceour, her mother.

MS- Before she was suddenly discovered, she was nothing. She's never been more than a disappointment. I don't know how her father still believes in her. If you watching this, you should know I'm coming to the premiere for Emilie. Not you.

Nathalie saw her father smiling warmly behind her witch of a mother. Nathalie shut off the computer, Gabriel didn't know what to do.

N- Come.

She went to the window and opened it, and stepped out. Where she sat down on a metal staircase on a ledge outside of the window. Gabriel followed and sat beside her, she leaned on his shoulder, Gabriel hugged her and they sat in silence for a few minutes. 

N- My father's always supported me in what I want to do. I want to be an author, but my mother wants me to be a singer.. like her. 

G- Well, your amazing at both. You don't deserve to be treated that way, by anyone, especially Emilie or your mother.

N- I lucked out, meeting you.

G- Well, I was lucky to even come here.

N- I'm glad you were able to. 

G- Me too.

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