8 | rain of memories

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"I'm sorry"Hanee bows several times , she is angry with herself for being clumsy and causing trouble

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"I'm sorry"
Hanee bows several times , she is angry with herself for being clumsy and causing trouble .

"sorry will not solve this problem!  You are responsible, I will sue you "
The girl yelled , taking out her phone to threaten Hanee .

"Miss , you don't have to that far"
Sunghoon exclaimed . He didn't understand why the girl was willing to act so far .

The girl hissed , she picked up her wet bag and squeeze it "See? It's soaking wet"

"and the fact that Iced Latte spilled on top of this bag is like a crime in fashion ” Her friend spoke up .

"I don't care if you curl up in jail" the girl presses her phone once again .

Heeseung immediately stepped in , he grabs the girl's arm and canceled the call . "Miss , i'm the cafe manager. Can i help you ?"

"Great , Mr.Manager ? One of your worker spilled Iced Latte on my LV bag and i want a payment back unless she'll curl up in the jail"

Heeseung scoffs , the two girls in front of him looked too wild . He glanced at the bag in her fist.  A smirk appeared on his lips .

Heeseung leans closer to the girl's ear and whispers ,
"Did you buy this bag on the street?"

The girl's face turns pale ,
"M-my mum bought it from Paris "

"Are you trying to say this is fake ? How dare you !"

Heeseung giggles , he took out a small magnet from his apron pocket
"Real bag, the strap is stripped of gold so the magnet won't stick"

"But the fake one , the strap is made of iron so ... "

Heeseung moves the magnet towards the iron strap of the bag and is surprised that it is attached.

Heeseung smiles
"It sticks"

Both girls seems shocked , she grabs Heeseung's arm and pulls him down ,
"Don't you dare to tell this to anyone !"

Heeseung chuckles , there are always customers who try to harass his workers so he knows their tricks .

"I'll keep this secret if you leave this cafe silently and never steps inside"

The girls hissed , the too their bags and quickly went out from the cafe , leaving all of them dumbfounded .

"Wait , Miss—"
Hanee wants to block her , she wants to make sure that the girl doesn't report it to the police .

Heeseung grabs Hanee's sleeve and shook his head "no need to chase her , Hanee"

"I talked to her and she agreed to forgive you "

Hanee blinks her eyes several times , her eyes suddenly filled with water .

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