"An extra member"

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Buttony's POV

Alright so I should probably find a team that has an open slot. There was already a team infront of me and they had one slot open. I was about to ask if I could join the team until I saw a block joining the team. Welp, it's already full now, I guess I was too late.

I started to walk around, and then I see Taco, Lollipop and Saw! But then realized they were in a team...that has no slots open. Darn. I noticed the other teams were already filling up. I don't wanna be picked last! I decided to just, walk in with a few people that wasn't picked yet. There was a...human, a pen, a donut and a nail. "Well, we need two more people." A gelatin said. "Let's not pick David, he's human and that's just weird." The gelatin said. David just responded with an "Aw, seriously!". "And not Pen, because he's still two hundred vigintillion dollars in debt." The gelatin said. Oh sheesh. "Okay then, that leaves Naily and Donut." A bag with...something inside them said. I think I'm being ignored right now.

Donut and Naily joined that team, Naily seems happy. "David, I'll take you in! You can get my much-needed help!" Leafy said happily while arm waving. David has the same response as before. "Then Pen is on our team. Yay!" A remote said. Okay I did expected to maybe not join a team because I'm just...an unknown who just moved in here but not to the point I would be ignored! I just sat down and then saw the others naming their team.

an unknown who just moved in here but not to the point I would be ignored! I just sat down and then saw the others naming their team

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(Sad Buttony)
The first team name that I saw was Death P.A.C.T, that team name is cool. Then...A better name than that? Weird. Then Team Ice Cube, Free food, The Losers...to be honest some of this team names are kinda stupid. Then Iance...eh? That name is...weird I guess. Then...Beep. Might be weird but I like that team name! Then the last team name was [8 names]. Don't even know how it was possible to name your team that.

"So, I believe you eight teams are all set to go, right?" Four said. I started to freak out, I really wanted to join but I'm still not in a team yet!

"Yep, they're all set to-"


I started running to four while the other teams were looking at me, mostly confused. I then stopped in my tracks when I got close to four. "I'm still not in a team yet!" I said to four. They just blinked and didn't say anything. "Well you should just deal with it, you were like never here to begin with." A pencil said. Rude.

It was silent for a bit and then I notice X had a few boxes for some reason. There were a few teams whispering also.
...I'm getting kinda nervous. Then four had spoken again. "Everyone!" Four said, everybody immediately started to pay attention to him (I just wanna say also I headcanon four that they use He/they pronouns. That doesn't mean he's a male though, just uses He/they pronouns)

"One of your teams will get an extra member!" Four said. All of the teams gasped. I only got more nervous. "All of your teams have a box that has your team name on it. One of your team members will go get Buttony! If Buttony gets in your team's box, they will be joining your team." Four said. I was immediately brought to the middle of everyone while the other teams are around me with their team's box.

 I was immediately brought to the middle of everyone while the other teams are around me with their team's box

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"You have 3 minutes to choose which member from your team will go get Buttony." Four said. Then everyone started talking in their team, probably on which member on their team will go get...me. I just sat down on the floor, nervous about what's to happen.

This isn't gonna end well.

[3rd POV]

The other teams were talking about on which team member will go, while Buttony is just sitting on the floor, scared about whats to come. "Who should we send to go get Buttony?" Book said. "Hmm...i'm not sure." Gaty said. "How about we send up teardrop to go get them?" Taco said. "Oh, great idea!" Book said.
"Alright, so who wants to go get Buttony?" Barf bag said, asking her team. "Ooo! I want to!" Gelatin said. "Okay, Gelatin is going to get Buttony." Donut said. "YAY!" Gelatin said with joy.

"I'll go." Bubble said. "No, Bubble you're too fragile." Ruby said. "Well, I'm going!" Flower said. "Okay." Most of Iance said, except Match and Pencil. They both were talking to each other until they realize that Flower was gonna go. "Really? Her?" Match said, annoyed. Pencil was also annoyed.
"Sooo...who should we send to go get Buttony?" Bell said. "Let's send Puffball!" Yellow face said. "Sure, I'll go." Puffball said.
"Which team member should we send?" Tennis ball asked Golf ball. "Let's send Blocky, cause he has arms." Golf ball said. "Okay, i'm going." Blocky said. "How about Grassy?" Grassy said.
(Grassy is one of the best characters, you can't change my mind)

"How about we send Black hole?" Pen said. "Hmm, I don't know that seems like a bad idea." Black hole said. "Does anyone wants to go get Buttony?" Pie asked "I do!" Bottle said. "Alright, were sending Bottle." Pie said.
"So, does anyone wanna volunteer to go get Buttony, cause I don't want to." Nickel said. It stayed silent for a bit. "I'll go." Balloony said. "Great!" Nickel said. "I'm sure you'll get them Balloony!" Leafy said, then Rocky vomits on her.
The losers were praising Loser and not really focusing of how they need to pick a team member. Pin and Coiny were the only ones who weren't praising Loser. "I guess I'll go." Coiny said.

"3 minutes are up!" Four said. "Teardrop, Gelatin, Flower, Blocky, Bottle, Balloony and Coiny are the ones to go get Buttony." X said. "If you put Buttony in your team's box, that means she will be joining your team." Four said. Buttony was still in the same place and just more scared. "Ready." Four said. "Set." Four continued. Was silent for a moment. Buttony just has their eyes closed and realizes that it still not starts. "Wait wh-" Buttony said before getting screeched by Four.

 "Wait wh-" Buttony said before getting screeched by Four

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"...Go!" Four said.

Okay I'm just gonna say I kinda just gave up on some part (like the losers choosing team member thing) so sorry about that, I was not sure how to do it in that part. Anyways I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night.

[1127 Words]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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