The Final Battle

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Spoiler Alert. If you haven't watched Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, please stop reading NOW. You have been warned.

A/N: Since the ending of ROTT left many ToA fans (including myself) very disappointed, I decided to take matters into my own hands and change it up. This is also my first fanfiction :)
Story sets off during The Final Battle between Jim and Bellroc.  



Claire looked around. Everybody was there, on the ground. Safe. Alive. Now, if only they could come up with another way to go up against Bellroc's titan before it connects with the Heartstone...

And then she noticed.

"WHERE'S JIM? He didn't come down with us?"

"No," Toby replied. "He's still up there, with Bellroc!"

Claire felt her heart skip a beat.


The battle on the train flashed past her eyes. No armour. No amulet. The bruised ribs. His limp body...

No. Not again!

"He's alone, no armor... We NEED to help him!"

"Can you shadow portal us back?" Douxie panted.

"I tried... I'm spent! Besides, Bellroc's magic is too strong."

Tears pricked Claire's eyes. No. This isn't real. This couldn't be the end. It just... couldn't! After everything they've been through, after all the wars, the battles... Don't they deserve a happy ending? Don't they deserve to live, peacefully, once and for all? Or was this fate? Was this... the inevitable?

The heartstone moved closer and closer to the titan, like a giant black hole, ready to devour all life. It was too late.

"Guys! Jim's not winning this," Toby panicked.
"Not winning yet. Jim's got this," Krel cheered, half-heartedly.
"Stop with the rambling! Let's get back up there and do something-"
"The Evacuation? Emergency Plan B?"
"What if we chained Bellroc with magic and just-"
"Oh my gosh, I think the heartstone's moving faster-"
"There must be another way! Another... Solution!"
"Come on, this isn't the end-"


Snap. All eyes locked onto Claire.

She didn't realize she was screaming. Everything piled up and words clouded her brain. She didn't notice how broken she sounded, until her words hung there, in the silence. Like a bomb. Ticking, ticking and ticking, until it eventually exploded.

"IT IS, OKAY?" She allowed the tears to flow freely now. "Jim, he's... He's hurt. He has no amulet, no armor, no support... He's going to die up there... alone."

She released a shaky breath.

"And so are we. This is... the end."

And all of a sudden, it was too heavy. She felt her knees turn to liquid as they slammed onto the ground, something breaking inside of her. A switch perhaps, that allowed all the emotions to overwhelm her. It was like water breaking through a dam. Jim, her Jim... was going to die. The world was ending. They lost. They failed everyone.

"We can't give up on Master Jim!" Blinky protested, "Amulet or not, he IS the Trollhunter! I have faith in Master Jim! He... He always excels, even in the worst of situations!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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