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"Lex wake up we are here." I felt my body slightly being shaken, slowly opening my eyes I yawned,

"What time is it?" I stretched before sitting up and looking at Alessandro.

"It's 4 A.M. ." I mentally cursed at what I just heard.

"You have been driving for an hour Aless, where are we?"

opening the car door I got out and the view was beautiful.

"Welcome to Lazio Principessa," Aless spoke as he walked standing beside me.

"Why haven't you brought me here before?" I asked looking at the view of the sea in front of me.

"I wanted to bring you here when things were different so it could be special and bringing you here today was a change in plans you were not supposed to see this like this."

I looked up at him since he was towering over me even though I was 5'10.

"I am still willing to come back here again with you when things are over and the pages are clean," I spoke in a hushed tone.

"I know you will Tesoro." I grinned at him calling me darling.

"So we will be staying in Lazio till things go as we want I guess," I affirmed looking back at the sea view very calm and beautiful;

"Princess let's go down to the beach." I stared up at him in shock.

"Now?" I asked, "Yes right now!" he insisted

"But I am wearing my Pyjamas, Alessandro!" I added.

"Please, I want to see the sunrise with you for once Alexandra , let's just forget that we have about twenty mobs on our back and be happy tonight just in case something happens and we don't get this chance again." He pleaded. His eyes held millions of untold emotions that have been trapped in him for eternity.I couldn't resist, and not accepting the words of a man who looked free but in reality was trapped  like a little bird in a cage, was a sin to me, let along these opportunities come one in a life time.

"I will be waiting on the beach. "

His smile just brightened up the scene even more.

Taking off my shoes I walked towards the sandy beach.

The dreamy sea softly doused the Beach, the sky was already drunk of its beauty.

The waves were very gentle as they crawled onto the shore.

Suddenly the music of Cigarettes after Sex hits my ears.

I turned around a saw Alessandro placing a small speaker on the beach ground.

Slowly walking towards me he smiled reaching out for my hand.

"May I have this dance Principessa?"

Placing my hand into his claw-like, blue-veined hands.

"You may ."

Slowly his other hand wrapped around my waist while I placed my hand on his shoulder.

slowly and mindlessly we stepped, gracefully moving with the rhythm.

Time stopped at that moment, Me in my pajamas, barefoot dancing on the beach with my best friend.

The stars and Sea slowly joined in and danced with the music.

The breeze calmly hit my skin moving the strands of my opened hair.

The peaceful heart-to-heart moves made the stars align.

Emotions were erupting everywhere.

Peace could be found in the reliable and eternal moves.

The warmth of his body kept me warm as we twirl and dance on the beach under the starry sky filled with a million stars whom stared down at us, some with their lovers, some alone, and some who were still in search of the right ones.

Primed To Sin: Her Start ✔Where stories live. Discover now