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I was correlated to his EX-Consigliere not to speak of they had an affair as well, even though I am mistreated but I feel vex more, if he speculates I am a stranger then he can bring his Italian ex-consigliere back, I came from nil to the apogee without the help of a man, and I can get way elevated without him.

Omitting the part wherein these long years I have known Alessandro he has never got this irritated or even contradicted me to anyone but before being his consigliere I am his best friend, his supporter, and even his bulwark in the skirmish he is taking right now, however, he didn't have a filter and emitted the first thing that entered his cranium.

The professionalism that's what lacked in our relationship since he didn't take a second to indicate how he should have never brought an outsider into the Hernandez lineage, I will indicate, what this stranger can do, ally or foe doesn't carry weight, no one humiliates a woman the way he did today.

Sitting up from my bedrooms sofa I waddle out of my compartment towards the residence room where I was welcomed by my leader mister Hernandez.


I cut him off before he could even finalize my name.

"Sir I reckon it's the best way to concoct a meeting with Anthony to deal with the crises that transpired yesterday."

My mouthpiece came out colder than a glacier.

He was taken back by my utterances before he started bobbing his head.

"Yes, you're right I will organize one right away."

Grief replenished his eyes before he cloaked it away with a dispassionate manifestation.


It was heartrending how she has remade before the clock could strike its new quarry.

Adequately, that is what I begged for, and I got it.

Anyhow, I have arranged the symposium with Anthony, Irene, and Angelo, as it seems only those three perceive what came to pass.

"Lexi, the meeting will start in under ten minutes."

I thumped on her chamber's entrance.

Her door shortly unlocked and she was out.

"I am prepared sir, thank you for notifying me."

The formal attitude doesn't suit her, I rather prefer the sassy vixen.

During the meeting, we had to sit beside each other, and from period to period my thigh would touch her thigh which was coated by the silhouette of her turquoise frock but she would shortly pull away.

"As I was saying I think we should just exclude her." My eyes broke away from Lexi's snow-white thighs back to the small screen thanks to Irene's vocal.

I wasn't paying attention at all, my brain couldn't function with everything going on between Lexi and me, but I surely knew that they were talking about Esmeralda's existence.

Before I could make a comeback Lexi responded.

"I don't mean anything Ms.Gambino but that was an incredibly preposterous way to expire things,"

Irene's mouth unrolled in a gap I mean she just called the Hernandez gangs masterminds scheme ridiculous.

"Esmeralda doesn't mean anything to them she is just another sterile spy they utilize to get information and then they abolish them when they don't need them anymore, less than a minute ago you yourself said we should think a step ahead of them yet you are thinking very traditionally, it had not been 24 hours since Esmeralda hasn't reported back to them and Anthony said he hasn't got back to the mansion yet, in a case like this we use it for our own sake. Anthony ought to return to the mansion before sunset, he will be going to cell Angelo is keeping Esmeralda and start getting frantic at Angelo, he then has to apologize for Angelo's mistake and release her."
She continued I immediately got what she meant by releasing Esmeralda.

"I don't understand Ms.Miller how is that going to benefit us in any way?"

Before any of us could answer Angelo Irene responded, "Tracking her, that is what Ms.Miller implies, she wants to change the rain's direction towards the adversaries ."

"After all you are not as foolish as your strategy I am delighted to learn that." Lexi's words were very raw.

"Excuse me?" Irene spoke back

"I am sorry but I don't like reiterating myself."

"Okay, then I will get going since I have to get to the mansion before sunset."

Anthony cut in between the two girls.

"Yes, okay then we will talk after the plan is achieved. "

I ended the meeting and turned my eyes towards the blue glistening eyes.

Before I was able to adore them anymore they were gone so was the warmth beside me.

She left my side.

"Would you like anything specific for lunch?" I consulted stopping Lexi before she could go further.

"No sir thank you."

Once again I was left in the arms of the deafening pause.

They say men are bold and they don't fear anything but that's is awfully erroneous, we too can be very frail, we too desire a shoulder to cry on, someone to fight for, someone to be optimistic to get home and greet. Most of us are called Monsters, beasts, animals and they say we can't be loved or love, they say we don't have a soul so we don't have anything to fear and stress about but I have an aversion, I hate being vacated, I abhor being left in the dark, that's why I fear darkness too, I don't like it cause it's where I have always been left at, everyone has a dark spot where it can't be brightened up easily well that wasn't my case, my entire life was a raven hole. Being left in the dark with blindfolds. That blindfold was there until Alexandra made her way into my little dark hole with a candle in her hand. She took off my blindfolds and showed me the truth that has been suppressed from me, and became my little ever-lighting candle.

But I couldn't control my resentment and hurt her dignity as a woman and a human.

A fiend like me slowly tried to turn his path but instead of pouring water on the fire, I made it worse by adding fuel.

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