International rescue

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In Speedy's room :-

SWIFT: So this is what Speedy's room looks like ! SWIFT said in surprise .

BRODY : premo ! We both have the same favourite colour ! Green ! BRODY said happily .

BEA : look ! There ! She pointed at the table in the corner .

Everyone looked at the table Bea was pointing at .

BEA :These are the old files I saw Speedy going through.

They were all shocked to see what the files contained .

BEA : These files contain blueprints of the ZERO X !!

ROD : The Zero X . So ausome! (Pauses for 5 secs ) What's the Zero X ? He said confused .

SWIFT : the Zero X is the prototype rocket that could travel as fast as light ! SWIFT said .

BEA : Swift's right . The Zero X's engine exploded killing the famous pilot - astronaut rescuer Jeff Tracy ! She said .

PENNY : "That's horrible ! But why was Speedy going through these blueprints ?" Penny said curiously .

BEA : I don't know .

BRODY : look a note ! " Hey Bea Grandma's sick and I need to go take care of her . Speedy ."

BEA : He must have forgotten to give me the note . But anyone have a feeling that he is lying ?

THE CADETS : yeah . The cadets said in unison .

PENNY : I will  try calling him .

Ring ... Ring ... Ring ...

SPEEDY : " Hey Penny ." Said the swallow happily

PENNY : "Speedy where are you ? We were waiting for you for an hour !" The penguin said exclaiming .
SPEEDY : " What do you mean ? I left Bea a note saying that I will not be able to teach today morning !" The Swallow said in shock .

PENNY : "You forgot to give it to her and left it on your desk ." The penguin reminded .

SPEEDY : "Oh no I must have forgotten ! I am so sorry for that !" The poor swallow said in embarrassment .

PENNY : "It's alright"

In all the commotion , Speedy didn't realise he walked past Thunderbird 1 an airship of International Rescue .

SWIFT : "Wait .. Speedy was that Thunderbird 1 ?"the young blue jay said in shock .

SPEEDY'S MIND💭 : 'Oh god I messed up big-time!' He thought worried that they would find out .

SPEEDY: "Uhh ... well it's a  umm... Scale model" ! He said trying to make a good excuse to cover up for this .

BEA : "A scale model huh ?" She said sarcastically . "What do you need that for ?"

SPEEDY : "Ummm .. wait what's that grandma ?...In a minute !" The worrying swallow pretended that his grandmother was calling him . " Gotta go now " .

With that he hung up .

SWIFT : there's definitely something he is hiding .

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