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Art is from らり/Lari on Twitter

"Let's just say that the original version of you invited me on their genocide so I could feel 'something new'. I had fun while it lasted, especially seeing monster dust everywhere. Heheh" Killer explained as he gave Chara a crooked smile.

"Why would you kill your own kind?" Chara said raising her voice.

"You'd be surprised what resets do to you. After a while, nothing matters anymore"

"Oh, so your insane? No wonder your soul looks like that, it's because your LOVE must be so high. Guess, you remind me of another person I know"

"Guys-" Color spoke, hoping to dispute the arguing, but it wasn't of any use.

"Do you really think one measly route can change my soul so fast?"

"That's impossible...there's no way..y-you can't"

"Oh but there was, and with the help of my Chara, I've done it several times. Everyone forgot about it like nothing ever happened"

"Color, why would you think I'd help a psychopath?" Chara hoping to get an answer.

"Well...I mean..if it helps, he wasn't always like this?" Color hesitantly smiled.

"Yeah no, I'm not doing it." Chara said crossing her arms.

"sigh wait..Shoot! I just forgot something, I'll be right back" and just like that, Color was gone again which left the two determined souls by themselves. They were hostile, not speaking a word to each other. Several minutes passed and Killer was getting bored, so he decided to tease Chara.

"Y'know, it's not so bad. Your not really hurting anyone if they don't remember it. You should try it"

"HA! And become a megalomaniac like you? Keep dreaming. Besides, what makes you believe I still have the power to reset?"

"Oh nothing, just guessing. However, do you think the monsters in your universe still care about you? Or if they had the chance to, do you think they might k i l l y o u?" Killer said playing with his knife.

Chara just ignored him, trying not to let the thoughts get to her head; but unfortunately, it did. Maybe he's right, they probably won't notice I'm gone. WAIT! What am I telling myself? Chara had enough of Killer messing with her.

Without thinking, Chara threw a red colored knife towards him, but Killer dodged it with ease.

"Please, is that all you can do?" Killer teased.

A battle began. They were throwing attacks at each other left and right, almost of equal skill. Clang! Went the sound of knives and bones hitting each other. Not too soon, you could hear a soul shatter, which was coming from Chara. had refused. Back on her feet, Chara was standing, ready to attack again. Killer didn't flinch.

"Surprised? Heh, just the perks of having determination" Chara smiled.

"Not in the slightest"

Their battle continued until they got tired and couldn't anymore. The two were both out of breath, so they decided to truce.

Soon after, Color came back and saw Killer and Chara laying on the ground. Curious, "Did anything happen while I was gone?" he asked. The determined souls shook their heads in denial.

"C, can we leave?" Killer said as he got up.

"Uh, why?" Color questioned.

"This is a waste of time, clearly Chara here hasn't come up with anything, so we should just go"

"Sheesh" Chara said to herself.

"Okay, I guess, but first I gotta take Chara back to her AU" Color sighed.

To a Killer's SurpriseWhere stories live. Discover now