Unpleasant Surprise

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A few days later...

Storyshift!Chara's POV

"CHARA!" I could hear my brother, Asriel, shout from a few rooms over, probably telling me to eat breakfast. Guess that's my cue to wake up, I thought.

I groaned as I got out of bed, almost falling over. I then got dressed into what I usually wear and left my room.

"Morning Azzy" I said walking up to the table and sitting down onto a chair.

"Sleep well?" Asriel asked as he slid a plate in front of me.


My day went how it usually went, except maybe a little different now that we're on the surface. Not too long ago, Frisk broke the barrier and most of the monsters went up here. I'd say it's nice to be on the surface again, but I remembered why I jumped down into Mt. Ebott in the first place. Some of the other humans were accepting the monsters, some weren't, but I guess that's just how it goes with humans and change.

I was walking around, decided I should get some fresh air; until suddenly I was grabbed by the arm into a portal, similar to a few days ago.

"WHAT THE-" I tried to say before landing on my back.


"Heheh, sorry" chuckled someone.

Oh, it was that rainbow skeleton again. I wonder what he wants this time.

"So what else do you need me for?" I asked him.

"We're trying my plan again, with Killer an' all" Color told me.

Seriously? Didn't the guy get the memo last time? Clearly his friend was pretty much done with me the first time we met. I don't even wanna see him anyway, he gets on my nerves. Especially, because of what he did, it makes me sick.

"Bad idea, take me back" I said.

"C'mon, please?"

"Isn't there some other Chara you could ask? Alternate Universes exist like you told me a few days ago"

"I got chocolate" Color said avoiding my question and taking out a chocolate bar from his pocket.

Does he actually think he can bribe me with Chocolate...? Yes, yes he can.

"Fine, but it better be two chocolate bars" I told him.


3rd POV

Color and Chara were standing right outside the Bad Sanses base (Nightmare's Castle). Killer was grabbing something to eat, before seeing two familiar faces through the window. Curious, he decided to open it.

"Uh, what are y-"

"AA" yelped Color, almost as if he jumped.

"Heh heh, my bad" Killer apologized.

"Well you're silent" replied Chara.

"Perfect for a stealth kill" He smiled.

Chara gave Killer an irritated expression then, growled under her breath though she tried not to make it seem obvious.

"Sooo? Why're they here again?"

"Uh, I'll explain later, is Nightmare here?" Color asks as he looks around.

"Hmm? No, he isn't. Said he had to do an errand or something"

"Huh? Who's Nightmare?" Chara wondered.

Color and Killer looked at her, then looked at each other.

"Someone you probably don't wanna see" answered Color.

Chara looked at the two skeletons with confusion, but didn't want to push it.

"Are you guys gonna come in or, are you two just gonna stand there?"

"But Nightmare could come back when we least expect it"

"You worry too much, we'll be fine. We have plenty of time"

"If you say so" Color sighed.

Killer closed the window and ran to a back door that the castle had. The door wasn't that big so you would've had to crouch. Once he was outside, he told Color and Chara to follow him.

After entering, Chara was surprised about how amazing the inside looked. She wandered around in awh of the decorations.

"Woah, it's so BIG! A little dark in here, though" She said before running off to some rooms.

"Where are they going?" Color asked.

"Beats me" Killer shrugging it off.

Chara was looking at everything she could find. At rooms, the ceiling, and even went over to a balcony.

The scene was gorgeous. There was a twilight sky surrounded by mountains and pine trees, seeing as the sun was big and bold having a reddish-pink highlight halfway. On the balcony was a fence covered with Indigo flowers and Turquoise-Tinted roses.

"Wow, this view is-"

"Who the hell are you?" questioned someone.

"Huh?!" Chara turned around as she shot her hand at him, putting the individual at neck point with her knives, seemingly in an X shape.

"Woah okay, not feeling like fighting right now, so can you put those away?"

Sorry for putting this on hold lol, but don't worry, I'm back. Eh, also forgot to mention, there will be swears in this fanfic just not too excessive. I ALSO forgot to mention that somehow this fic got to like 161 readers and I'm like..HOW?! But thanks for checking this out, it's really appreciated (even though there's barely any story LOL).

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