Still debating what chapter I should start a new book on. Or if I should just keep going for as long as I can.
Would anyone be interested if I did separate books for some of my worlds? E.g the world that I've recently been making ocs for?

Just gonna talk a little bit about the new world I made, keep in mind not all of the drawings in this chapter are to do with the new world. 

(the world is called Containment) Basically this new world is based slightly off of an older world I had, as well as being based off of scp. Basically creatures are in tanks, theres scientists, caretakers for the creatures, and a bunch of other jobs for humans. so oof. So back to the separate books, would anyone want a book just for that world? 

I'd probs still post drawings to do with it here as well as on that book, but like its just going to be about containment world. Art, rps, dumb little stories, concepts. E.g. when ever I make a new oc I will make a step by step of how I made, them, e.g. the sketch and my inspirations for the oc, then lineart and possible things I changed and stuff, and then colours and my inspiration for that. And all through out it its me deciding what they're gonna be like, and their story and stuff, and u can see what changes and stuff as I go along with it.

I'll mark all the containment world stuff with '(containment)' at the start of the description/rambling under the drawings.

I'll mark all the containment world stuff with '(containment)' at the start of the description/rambling under the drawings

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(containment) X is my first oc for the containment world. Basically all the containment world was at that point was just a place for me to shove my monster ocs into. Which it ended up becoming a bigger project the more I thought about it. So X means a lot to me, even though I don't do anything with him because he is the first animalistic creature I made for the world.

 So X means a lot to me, even though I don't do anything with him because he is the first animalistic creature I made for the world

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(containment) Impulse also means a lot to me like X does, since he's the first humanoid creature I made for the world. So he means a lot to me because of that.
I'm also pretty sure this is around the time I made a discord server for myself to build up on the world, and my friend got interested, when they joined the server, so they started making an oc as I was making Impulse. 
So it's mainly me working on the containment world, but my friend also makes ocs for this world as well. 

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