•3~duck duck goose

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~Mattelyn McGonagalls POV~

Well, I guess now all of Hogwarts (minus Marlenes friends) are about to find out that Minerva McGonagall has a daughter.

It won't end that bad though.

I was just finishing getting dressed when my dorm opened.

"Morning babe" Marlene said as she walked in.

"Does everyone actually wear these robes?" I asked

"Sadly, it's better then the gross fur cloaks you had to wear" She said

"I didn't have to wear those" I said

"How?" She asked

"When I first started at Durmstrang there were four girls in my year, I was the only one when I came back this year, they gave up on trying to get me to dress in uniform, as long as I wore something with the Durmstrang emblem on it I was fine" I said

"Oh shit, well, this will be an adjustment for you, anyways let's go, we have to get to breakfast" She said before she grabbed my arm.

A minute later we made it down to the dining hall, everyone else was already there and no one really acknowledged us coming in.

Sirius and James were telling some story, while everyone else was either half listening or trying not to fall asleep, it's still 7:30 AM, no one wants to be up.

I did pick up on the fact that Mary's phone kept ringing though, and she just kept declining it. I didn't think much of it though until this.

"Ugh stop calling" She said under her breath.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Some muggle guy I met over the summer who won't leave me alone, I'm just gonna ignore him til he does" She said

"I can fix that if you're willing to let me hurt his manhood for a minute" I said

"Sure, why not" She said as she handed me her phone.

"Oh this'll be good" Marlene said, which got everyone attention of course.

"Hey" I said as I answered.

"Hey Mar, glad you answered it's been forever-" Rang through the phone

"Dude stop calling" I said

"What, Mary what's up with you" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm trying to fuck your girlfriend here and you're really crushing the vibe" I said.

Yeah I kinda forgot I'm still making a first impression on these people.

I was reminded of that when Lupin choked on his drink.

"That escalated quickly" He said

"Nice try, Mary you would never fuck a girl" Rang through the phone, yeah Mary's better without this guy.

"Dude, don't get mad, we get it, you couldn't make her come, just grow up" I said

"Y'know, this was worth nosing pumpkin juice" Lupin whispered.

"Sorry" I mouthed, he just laughed it off.

"Mary you're not tricking me, you'd never do a girl. We spent the whole summer together, nice try" Rang through the phone.

"Dude we get it, you're a compensator, now I'm gonna hang up to finish what I'm doing, it wouldn't hurt you to lose this number you homophobic fuck, and it's not Mary, it's Matty, have a nice day" I said before I ended the call and handed Mary her phone back.

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