Ch. 5

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Emma's POV:

The first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen is broken glass everywhere. Now that I think about it, I was the only person in the room when I woke up.
"You did this!" Louis screams in Harry's face. "You caused all this! You're the reason she hates me! You're the reason she refuses to come back to me!" Harry looks horrified at Lou's words, and his expression quickly changes to anger. "Me? I didn't do shit! You're just a raging asshole who can't get his shit together! And I'm glad you and Harper are over, because I know the truth about what you've done!" I grab Harry by the back of his sweatshirt before Louis can hit him. I know Harry would do more damage to Lou than he could ever do to Harry, but I don't want to be in the middle of it. Harry spins around quickly and guides me back into the bedroom and locks the door. "What happened?" I ask before he can say anything. He's fuming, and I hope I'm not pushing him too far. Harry takes a few deep breathes, then starts in on the story.

Harry's POV:

"Louis and Harper broke up, so he came here high on some shit, or drunk, either one or maybe even both, but he was hammered. Then he didn't move for a full 8 hours, then got up this morning, freaked out, and broke a bunch of shit. I don't know what he's doing now, but I hope it's not too reckless." I explain. It's almost 11 now, he's been like this for an hour or so.
"Do you think we should call someone? Like the police or something?" Emma asks. I know we should call someone, but I'm a little worried about how he will act once they get here. "Yea we should, I'll call, but don't leave this room, I have to get my phone.". When I walk out, I don't see Lou, so I grab my phone off the counter and check the bathroom. There his is, puking his brains out into the toilet, so I shut the door, and leave him be.
"He's fine. Puking all over the damn place, but he's fine otherwise. I don't think we should call anymore, if anything, we should have called last night." I explain to Emma.
"Shouldn't we at least make him go to a rehab center or something? Because last night was pretty damn scary and you're an idiot if you don't send him." She harshly remarks as tears flood her cheeks. Ouch. "No, I'm not an idiot. I understand he's not the best guy to be around, but Harper would kill me if she found out I sent him. Sorry I would like to keep a relationship with my sister." I spit back at her. "Goodbye Harry. I can't deal with your shit right now. You can come down and see me when you get it together." I know she's just tired, but so am I, so this is like fighting fire with fire.
"Wait Emma," she turns and looks at me with a frown on that beautiful face of hers. "I'm sorry. I know I was a dick and I'm sorry." "Its ok. I'm sorry I'm just so tired and I just want to cry." she explains. I feel so horrible for calling her down here last night. "Come on," I say while grabbing her hand, "I'll bring you back to your room. Take a nice long nap then a hot shower and then I'll take you out tonight to make up for calling you down here last night." She easily obliges, and I bring her down to her room, where in minutes, she's passed out, and boy does she look so beautiful, as always.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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