Ch. 3

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(Hi guys! I know I haven't updated the actual Wattpad Cast List yet, but it's tough because it can only be done online at the moment! I'll do it as soon as I can! Here's chapter 3!)

"Ready to go babe?" Louis asks Harper. She nods and tells me if I need anything to call her. She gives me her number and they head out the door. Now since she's gone, I feel a bit lonely. I grab my laptop and log into Netflix. I start in on a movie that I've never seen before called LOL. It's pretty good, but I fall asleep toward the end.

When I wake up, its 3 am. My first day must have drained me more than I thought. I look over at Harper's bed, and she's passed out. I didn't think she'd be back so soon.

I try to fall back asleep, but it feels like mission impossible, and when I look back at my alarm clock, it's 4:30.

My phone buzzes on my night stand and when I look at the glowing screen, an unknown number pops up.

"Hello?" I ask harshly into the receiver.
"Hey, is this Emma?" The familiar voice asks.
"Yes, now who is this?" I'm keeping my harsh guard up, I really don't want to deal with any assholes tonight though.
"It's Harry. I'm really sorry for calling this late. Or early. Whatever, you know what I mean."
"Oh I'm sorry it said unknown number. Whats wrong?"
"Well could you just come to my dorm please? I need your help." he sounds so nervous.
"Yea, sure, of course. I'll be there in 5." I hang up the phone and pull on a hoodie. What could possibly wrong at this hour?

(Hey guys I'm sorry it's been awhile and I'm sorry it's such a short chapter! I'll update tomorrow too, and it's so short because I was at snow camp all weekend. :) Anyway, bye!)

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