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> Three < : Teaching the stupid but cute...

"This is a crayon." Harry remarked holding up a blue crayon to Louis who sat in his office like any other day. "And this is paper, you can colour all over the paper with the crayon. Not master's rug. Okay?" Louis saluted "Yessir." Harry couldn't help but chuckle his odd way, he even showed Louis a smile. "Sir?"
"Yes?" Harry asked impatiently, the reason he brought the crayons was to distract Louis. The latter always had questions. Harry didn't have time for questions. "Where are your colours?" Louis asked, did Harry not have any? Louis was more then willing to share. "I don't want any. Now you colour so master can work." Harry ordered returning to his desk typing away.
"Harry?" Liam asked barging in, "Your last name suits you." Harry muttered, "Haliouris. Hi Louis." He gushed, Louis looked up grinning, "Hello Mr.Liam Payne." He greeted politely sticking his hand out, Liam returned the grin shaking his hand glancing at Harry, "He has manners." Louis resumed colouring when Liam cleared his throat stating his reason of presence, "The stocks might've had a slight pause."
"Explain the pause." Harry murmured glancing at Liam for a second, "T-the buyers might've asked for a-a reason if you will."
"They want to see the owner Harry. The public wants to see one of the worlds richest men. You own one of the best company's in the world!" Liam exclaimed, "Yeah and I didn't get it by flaunting myself everywhere." Harry returned, "Harry look, just do one press conference. Besides if they saw Louis you might receive a better name." Liam persuaded, "You mean?" Harry poked as both men turned to see the lad colouring peacefully, "He's softening you Harold. They'll see it too." Liam replied leaving, Harry could only scoff. He wasn't getting soft. "Louis?"
"Are you scared of me?"
"I-I don't know." Louis whimpered watching the ground, "Alright pet. Return to colouring." Harry sighed beginning to work himself.
Time had flown, which Harry hated, when Louis had gotten to the point of growing bored with the new found colouring. Yes it was fun but the wax had gotten on his fingers and he was just tired. His arm hurt from moving it so much. "I coloured you a picture." Louis announced to Harry, "Oh? Let me see Pet." Louis smiled crawling to Harry, hoping on his lap showing him the picture of the flower he coloured. "Do you like it?" Louis asked eyes full of wonder, Harry hummed kissing Louis' hair, "I do pet. Thank you." Louis gasped snuggling into Harry happily, "Z-Zayn s-said that f-flowers t-take away p-pain. So when you t-think about the g-girl, you won't be in p-pain." Louis explained, Harry couldn't help but smile whole-heartedly, this boy was doing something to him. "Well, we have someone at the house to meet pet. Shall we go?"

Opening Louis' door for him in the garage, Harry patted Louis' bum lightly as he walked in front, "Home sweet home. One day I'll come home to you naked. Wouldn't you like that pet? For master to come home and wreck you?" Harry teased, Louis tensed, he knew Harry was testing him. "N-no sir." Harry could only chuckle, "Of course. Where are my manners. Come along pet, a new house guest is awaiting us." Did he get a new submissive? Maybe it was an actual pet. Was Harry calling him "Pet" as a clue? Louis' questions were answered when he saw a familiar head of black hair with two warm hazel and brown eyes. "Zayn!" He squealed running to the man. Harry allowed the contact knowing Louis needed it. "Hey Lou." Zayn returned, Harry felt a smile cross his lips, he liked Lou. "W-why're y-you here?" Louis suddenly asked being sat down, Zayn looked to Harry, "He is Brandi's replacement. Zayn will be staying with us." He reported, Louis gasped, "T-thank you master! Oh thank you!" He gushed, Harry couldn't help but open his arms. Louis ran to them snuggling in Harry's chest, "I have some calls to make, you stay with Zayn pet." Harry remarked pulling away even though a part of him hated to, Louis frowned, "Why don't you tell him what we should have for dinner? I'll let you choose." Harry offered seeing Louis' face, "Alright sir." He beamed as Harry strolled out.

"Wow Louis, I'm really happy for you." Zayn gushed happily to Louis who to him felt like a little brother. "D-do you have a-a s-submissive?" Louis slowly asked, Zayn hung his head, "Luke isn't here buddy. I have to ask Mr.Harry if he'll let him stay." Louis gasped he loved Luke, whenever Zayn let him stay there Luke and Louis would play for hours, being two kids and all. Then Louis was taken to an auction house, kidnapped really, then sold only to be abandoned. "I-I can ask Master!" Louis suggested as Zayn got out pasta noddle's, "Why don't I make your favorite?" Zayn offered, "Yes please." Louis eagerly agreed. Zayn nodded chopping chicken, carrots, celery, red peppers while cooking. He hummed as Louis sat on the counter watching him. Harry soon strolled down as dinner was almost done.
Walking in Louis crossed his line of vision, the latter sitting on the counter, his rosy cheeks sported by messy hair that fit him well. He was kicking his feet grinning as Zayn was saying something. Harry couldn't deny the hard he got from the adorable sight of the boy. Was it wrong Harry wanted to be called daddy by Louis who would be a mess of sobs cum already on his stomach begging Harry for more. Of course Louis would be greedy in sex. Harry dreamed it that way, so why wouldn't it be true in reality?

Serving everyone Louis sat by Harry, Zayn in front of Louis as the grand dinning table. "S-sir?" Louis weakly called looking up at him, "Zayn this is amazing. Thank you for coming here and accepting the position of my chef. What pet?" Harry exclaimed, "Z-Zayn is a-a d-dominate." Louis remarked going steadily, he had to word this just right, "A-and he h-had a s-sub like m-me. C-can his s-sub live h-here t-too?" Harry couldn't stop the smile that coiled, Louis was just to cute when he talked and stuttered. He would pout when he stuttered to much causing Harry to coo. "Of course he can Zayn." Zayn smiled at Louis, "Luke should he here tomorrow then Lou." Louis grinned at Harry again, "Thank you-" "Daddy." "T-thank you daddy."

Laying in bed that night Harry was relaxing while Louis was in the shower getting ready for bed. "Daddy?" Louis whispered seeing if Harry was awake. He seemed a lot more comfortable calling Harry daddy then sir. And Harry liked it more. A lot more. "Yes pet?" Harry returned sitting up a little, Louis was in black boxers standing in the doorway with matted down hair. Louis fidgeted, shifting his feet before Harry walked over to him peering down at the boy, "What is it Lou?" Louis glanced up at him smiling, Lou sounded a lot better from those lips then it Zayn's, "I-I didn't h-have s-something for t-this." Louis frowned, Harry raised an eyebrow, "You mean a shirt?"
"Yes daddy." Louis replied, Harry chuckled dragging him to a closet pulling a sweater over his head. It was Harry, meaning he had sweater paws, and it covered the boxers but nothing more. "What things do you not know a name for? Why don't we go around the house and if you have any questions I'll answer them." Harry suggested taking Louis' hand leading him to the hallway. They had gotten to his office door when Louis slipped in pointing to Harry's phone, "That's a phone." He then pointed to a couch against the wall, "That's a couch. How do you not know this?"
"O-old owner said for m-me not to talk."
"So that meant no questions. Oh. Well why don't we go to one of my favorite rooms and I'll let you explore it?" Harry beamed, Louis squealed letting Harry lead them to a room Louis hadn't seen before. It was a game room with a huge TV, all kinds of game consoles, bean bags with couches as well, a bar, fridge. It was epic all in all, "Care to watch some TV?" Harry asked Louis nodded in awe as Harry sat on the couch patting his lap for Louis who quickly snuggled into him. Turning on a cartoon for Louis who was quickly engulfed in the stupid childish program Harry lit a cigarette. Taking a drag he felt Louis giggle on his lap, the lad sat sideways his feet almost touch the floor but not quite. Rubbing his uncovered thigh Harry exhaled blowing smoke heavily to the side of him. It wasn't until Harry blew it straight up did Louis try to touch the smoke. Harry grabbed his hand, "No pet. It could hurt you." Bringing it to his lips Harry sucked on Louis' skin leaving a love bite, "I don't want you hurt." Louis inhaled shakily before simply sighing happily in content, "Yes Daddy."

*Good update? If you would like another update soon the please let me have plenty of comments! Please oh please! Thanks again! Love you all: I'm Emma :)



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