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>Five< Pushed To Far

>Louis' P.O.V (Point Of View)<
It was like a(n) art. A masterpiece if you will. Something so beautiful, majestic; turned by a simple stroke of a brush. That was Harry. In my play book anyway. The art work being his eyes. It was truly the prettiest thing about him. Not that he wasn't attractive, but the rest was changeable. He couldn't ever change his eyes. The anger, hurt, regret buried, burned into them. Though they were both beautiful.
"Louis?" Luke called walking into Harry's room, I sat Indian style on the bed staring into space, "Y-yeah?"
"Zayn wants to talk to you." Luke remarked. It was cute that they had been with each other that the submissive could call him by his name. Harry and I would never be like that. "Okay." Was my reply as I shifted downstairs. The house was nice, big. It just lacked colour. Not a particular blue or red, just colour. Maybe happiness? What shade is that? Or love.
Zayn sat at the table a cup of tea in hand, "Zaynie?"
"Sit down Louis." Zayn ordered, slowly sitting across from him I felt the room crawl around us, "Tomorrow is the anniversary of our parents death. It's been thirteen years Lou." Zayn reported. Pain. Still after thirteen years. It still feels just as bad. I remember when I was six, Luke and I playing, when the two cops showed at our house.

>December 19th 2002<
"W-uke?" Six year old Louis mumbled pushing trucks around, "Yea Loueh?" Luke returned in his own world as well, "S-show me 'da twick gain!" Louis begged, referring to the "magic" trick Luke had showed him earlier. It was the simple making things disappear (Placing items under your sleeves, causing them to"disappear"). Luke sighed with a smile nodding, Louis was always down when his parents would leave, grabbing a quarter off the floor, "Now keep your eyes on the coin, okay?" Luke reminded, Louis intently watched it as if it would disappear into thin air within the blink of an eye. "Now close your eyes for two seconds exactly and say Abracadabra!" Luke exclaimed, Louis giggled doing as told to open seeing Luke sitting across from him with nothing in his hands. "One day you t-teach Wouis?" Louis asked amazed by the trick, "Of course baby brother." Luke reassured when two knocks sounded through the room, Zayn stormed in peeling back the door revealing the officers. Louis crawled into Luke's lap whimpering, "Hello officers." Zayn greeted walking them to the kitchen.
It was an hour later, Luke rocking Louis on his lap hearing Zayn crying. It had to be bad if Zayn was crying. When the latter returned to the living room he sat on the couch patting his lap for both of his babies. Luke being his young submissive he adopted from the streets and Louis his younger brother of course. The eighteen year old held Louis close pressing a kiss to the boys forehead. "Louis look at me baby. T-there was a(n) a-accident, m-mummy and d-daddy are very hurt." Zayn explained slowly bending the story a little due to his age, " 'D-dey come h-home? C-cause I t-tuwning s-seven!" Louis gushed the seriousness of the moment. All Zayn could do was choke back sobs. Louis was so happy, this would kill him. "N-no baby. T-they're not coming h-home." He admitted, Louis gasped tears filling his angelic eyes, "W-why bubba?"
"T-they died Louis." Zayn confessed tears seeping through his soft brown eyes. Luke gasped snuggling into Zayn knowing he needed it. Louis only sobbed in Zayn's neck until forced into a slumber from his crying.

>December 18th 2015<
>Louis' P.O.V<
"W-why d-does it still h-urt?"
"I don't know baby." Zayn replied, Harry then entered, his face twisting when he saw tears streaming down my cheeks, "I don't want to know why, but dry it up. Right now Louis William Tomlinson." Harry growled, sniffling I did manage to only have stray tears rolling down my cheeks, "Harry what the hell?! Can my little brother not cry over his dead parents?!" Zayn roared, Harry only sighed, "Go to a hotel for the night. I won't fire Louis' family, but I will not be yelled at in my own home. Go." Zayn shoved the cup of tea on the floor having it splatter everywhere, Luke jumped back scared as Zayn grabbed him both leaving. Harry stared after them, he was in one of his moods.
Grabbing a napkin I sniffled again bending down to wipe up the tea, "Thank you pet." So it was back to that now? "Y-yeah." Was all I could manage without bursting into tears.

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