|1| The Beginning.

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I remember how it all started. The pain. The suffering. The changes.

He was cold. Distant. He looked alluring. Towering at 6'2 and a muscular body. That deep voice with an edge to it.

His whole image practically screamed danger.

I have no idea how I never noticed that.

I guess I was too intrigued by the massive amount of tattoos he had on his arms and chest.

The way his long thick hair settled over his broad shoulders. 

I hated him. Loathed him. Finding him too annoying, arrogant, cocky and so full of himself, I decided that I'd always hate him.

After all, how could one person be so....so...... egotistical.

But the universe has its own unique way of fucking up your life. Even if you don't notice the build up of the whole charade.

And my demise, my bittersweet demise started the second he set eyes on me.



That was the first chapter and a sample of how the book will be like. Idk, I might make the chapters a bit longer, it'll depend on my mood. But yeah. That's that.

I'm actually doing this....

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Also, please go check out my other book, Vicenzo. Thank youuuuu 💕💕💕

Byeee( ◜‿◝ )

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