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DARK VEINS CRAWLED UP HER arms, a sinister smirk placing itself onto her lips as she held her hand in a tight fist, watching as she choked the life out of Bethany Dennings. The brunette held a hand against her throat, the ability to breathe being taken from her as she attempted to beg for her life. All Skye did was smirk wider, and just as Bethany's eyes rolled to the back of her head, Skye shot up with a gasp.

The dark haired woman looked around her room, her breaths heavy from the dream she just experienced. Her eyes were wide, realizing that Beth was really about to die by her own hands. The woman could walk through dreams, and sadly she had stumbled upon Skye's dream and almost lost her life because of it. Skye ran a hand through her dark locks, closing her eyes tightly as flashes of the nightmare came to life behind her eye lids. She shook her head, throwing the blanket from her body and quickly getting dressed before making her way out of her room just in time to watch as Beth was dragged towards the hospital wing of the building.

Skye stopped in her tracks when she saw Wanda Maximoff standing there. Skye swallowed thickly, fear seeming to flow through her veins as she watched Wanda turn around, a worried frown covering her features. Skye didn't know what to say as Wanda's eyes met hers. She didn't know how to tell the woman that she's the reason that her girlfriend is currently lying in a hospital bed. Wanda crossed her arms tightly over her chest as she made her way towards Skye. And all Skye could think about was why she would ever have such a dark dream as the one she had that night.

     Swallowing thickly, Skye licked her lips. "Is, uh, is she's going to be alright?"

     Wanda looked to the ground as she nodded her head. "Hopefully." Wanda looked at Skye for a moment, narrowing her eyes as she looked at the woman. She cocked her head slightly, clenching her jaw. "You wouldn't happen to know why Beth was almost suffocated do you?"

Skye looked at Wanda, and as she looked at the woman, she realized that there was no point in lying to her. Because would find out sooner or later, and there wasn't any point in hiding it. Skye couldn't control what she did and didn't dream about, so she was trying to convince herself that what happened to Beth, wasn't her fault. It was just the factor of whether or not Wanda would believe those words. And for the sake of Skye's life, she hoped that Wanda believed her, believed that it wasn't her fault for what happened to her girlfriend.

     A sigh fell from her lips as she bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head. "Wanda, I didn't mean for it to happen." Immediately, Wanda's eyes closed at Skye's words. "All I was doing, was sleeping. I didn't know that my dream was going to be so. . . violent. It's like a dark version of me stopped Beth from crossing through my dream. It choked her and now. . ."

     Wanda looked at Skye for a moment before nodding her head. "You're right, you can't control your dreams. But Beth can control what dreams she walks through, so the real question here is why Beth wanted to enter your dream?"

     "I don't know why." Skye answered her truthfully, shrugging her shoulders. "Honestly, Wanda, I want to know why Beth was sneaking through my dreams as much as you do. And when she wakes up, we can ask. But until then, we should just let Beth rest." Wanda hesitated for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.

     "If anything changes, I'll let you know." Wanda whispered before turning on her heels and making her way towards Beth's hospital room. Skye watched her go with a deep frown covering her lips, the question of why Beth was in her dreams continued to echo throughout her head. There was a reason why Beth was there, but Skye didn't know what it was. But Willow and Sam both knew.

The duo stood there, having watched the interaction between Skye and Wanda before watching as Wanda left Skye standing there. Skye turned her head, meeting Willow and Sam's eyes before she turned on her heel and walked away. The two exchanged looks with one another before walking away and passing Beth's room on the way. Willow deeply frowned at this before she and Sam continued through the halls until they found a place in which it was just the two of them. Willow shook her head.

     "That shouldn't have happened." Willow kept her voice low, watching as Sam nodded his head in agreement. "Sam, there's something going on with Skye. And if you're right, and she's using dark magic. . . then I'm afraid of what her future holds. If she's using dark magic, it's already started taking over, and we're running out of time before it does to her what the darkness in me does to me."

     Sam sighed and looked at the woman, shaking his head. "Then what do we do?"

     And for once in her life, Willow didn't have the answer. She bit the inside of her cheek before meeting Sam's eyes. "Honestly, Sam, I don't know."


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