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WHEN A FRUSTRATED ROSALYNN ENTERED the room, her clipboard held tightly within her hands, Skye allowed herself to inhale deeply as she started to rub the sleep from her eyes. She blinked slowly, a relieved sigh seeming to fall from her lips when she realized that Rosalynn hadn't thrown the bright light on in her fit of rage and confusion. She stared at Rosalynn for a moment, watching as the woman's eyes quickly darted back and forth over the pages as she tried to make sense of everything, trying to find anything she could have possibly missed, only to come up with nothing causing for her jaw to clench in anger.

Skye cleared her throat, forcing herself to sit up from her very comfortable position. She fixed her hospital bed, allowing herself to be comfortable and giving Rosalynn a moment to digest the anger that she was feeling. Rosalynn didn't get upset often, and Skye really didn't want to be on the other end when she did. But she had a feeling that that was exactly what was about to happen, even if Rosalynn's words weren't directed towards Skye directly. Skye placed a sarcastic smile on her face, intertwining her hands as she placed them in her lap.

"Well, good morning to you, doc. What seems to be on your mind?" Skye watched as a huff fell from Rosalynn's lips, watching as she flipped to another page on the chart before shaking her head and simply throwing the chart to the side with a loud clutter, making Skye wince in surprise. A grimace fell on Skye's lips as muttered to herself, "That's one way to be woken up in the morning. Rosalynn, are you alright? Because, from the look on your face you look absolutely pissed and I'm not sure whether or not I want to know why?"

Rosalynn pressed her hands to her face, rubbing her temples for a few moments before she closed her eyes and let a deep breath fall from her red painted lips. She opened her eyes and that's when she saw Skye patiently waiting for her to speak. Rosalynn narrowed her eyes towards Skye, her hands moving towards her hips as she pursed her lips. Skye stared back warily, holding her breath until Rosalynn finally decided that she was going to speak. The dark haired woman ran a hand through her brown locks, shaking her head.

"There's an issue."

"Really? I couldn't tell by the look on your face."

Rosalynn gave her a blank look and Skye held her entwined hands up in surrender, silently telling the doctor that she wouldn't speak until Rosalynn gave her permission to do so. "So, I did all the test. I did an MRI, a CT scan, I've run every single test that I know and yet all of them have come up normal. So, I am completely and utterly clueless. I don't know what to tell you because all of my answers have come up absolutely and utterly blank. The only thing I can think of, is that there's something you aren't telling me."

Skye stared at Rosalynn for a few moments. She didn't know what to say, her mind seemed to stop working in that very moment and time seemed to slow down as her heart rammed in her chest, except it felt as if heart was slowing in pace. She felt as if something was happening to her, she felt like there was something changing within her and she didn't understand what that thing was, and she couldn't help but allow fear to crawl through her veins.

Sitting there in the hospital bed, feeling that sensation of not being alone in her own body, it made Skye realize that Sam and Willow had been right. And that was something that was hard for Skye to admit. And that's why she found herself shaking her head at Rosalynn's question. She found herself denying the truth even though she wanted to say something, but it seemed as if something was holding her back, keeping her from spilling the truth. Instead, she swallowed her words and allowed herself to clear her throat.

"No. I've told you everything. I know as much as you do." The lie felt good on her lips and Skye had to keep herself from involuntarily cringing. She didn't know what it was that was happening, and she found herself crossing her arms over her stomach as if she were trying to protect herself from whatever it was that she knew was happening to her. What could she do? Nothing. She could do absolutely nothing. What she could do was continued to help the Avengers, and she knew that she would do that until her last dying breath, even if she was the cause of her own death.

Rosalynn sighed and finally gave in, nodding her head. "Alright, here's what I'm going to do." She walked over to the place in which her clip board lay scattered along the floor. She bent down and took it back in her grasp before walking back over to Skye as she kept the clipboard hugged to her side. "We can try to run the tests again if that's what you want. However, you've been through enough, so I'm going to let you go. But as soon as you feel another spell like that coming on, I don't care what you're doing, you come straight to me do you understand?"

"Promise." Skye nodded her head.

"Good." Sighing her discharge papers, she handed them to Skye. "Be more careful, alright?" And then she left the room, leaving Skye alone with her mind and very dark and dangerous thoughts.

 "Be more careful, alright?" And then she left the room, leaving Skye alone with her mind and very dark and dangerous thoughts

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