Chapter 3

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Celine's POV

I could barely concentrate as I made my way to my first hour.

My mate clouding my mind.

I couldn't get her image out of my head, she was just so perfect,

I wanted so badly to be with her right now.

By the time first hour was finished I realised that I wasn't paying attention... the entire time.

Damn I need to focus before I fail all of my classes.

I asked Bianca if I could borrow her notes to which she laughed at and said yes.

"Damn your totally whipped,"

Bianca said as we made our way to our second hour class

"I know it's bad, I can't think of anything but her,"

I responded. We walked into class and sat in our normal seats.

"So what are you gonna do about it?"

Bianca asked,
"I don't know, I don't even know her name,"

I pouted towards Bianca

She laughed and pet my head,

"you'll be fine now stop pouting you look like a child,"

Before I could protest the teacher walked in, and following behind her was the girl who was with my mate, the one with dark skin.

She seemed fairly nice, as she smiled to the class and waved to us.

"Everyone I would like you to meet your new classmate, why don't you introduce yourself darling,"

the teacher Mrs Macrone said in a sweet voice. She reminded me of a grandmother who was taking to her children.

"Um ok well my names Fallon and I'm a siren fae.
Fallon smiled as she was assigned a seat on the other side of the classroom.

'She seems nice, not bad to our mate'

I heard Aria speak up. I just agreed and carried on. After second hour I had third hour, to which I had none of the new kids in.

I was a little disappointed as I made my way to my fourth hour, it was already forth hour and I had yet to have my mate in any of my classes.

I sat in my chair and my friends approached me, we all had fourth hour together which was nice because lunch was next.

"What's got her so sad?"

I heard Zion ask,

"She hasn't had a class yet with her mate,"

Taylor said, Taylor was the fifth friend in my group and he and Bianca were both vampires but we really didn't care.

"Aww man that sucks, sorry for that, but hey at least your found her,"

Zion said trying to cheer me up.

I smiled weakly at him but before we could say anything else our teacher walked in.

She looked like she ran here.

"Alright students so I'm sure that you've all heard of our new students,"

At this my attention perked towards the front of the classroom.

"Alright come in,"

the teacher said towards the door.

The first to walk in was the boy from earlier, though my attention wasn't on him, because right behind him stood my mate.

I could see Zion and the rest of my friend group look back and fourth from my mate to me, to see my reaction.

All I did was stare.

They walked in and stood next to each other. My mates mask still on covering half her face, at this point it intrigued me to know what she was hiding behind it.

"Alright you two why don't you introduce yourselves  then you can go take a seat,"

the teacher told them.

The guy was the first to speak,

"ugh-hey guys the names Ezra I'm a fae fairy and this,"

he gestured towards my mate,

"is Kyra, she's a fae dragon."

At this I was intrigued, Fae's were rare, but a dragon, I thought they were extinct.

They were the ones to stay and protect the fae's but the humans killed the all.

How on earth is a dragon still alive much less at this school.


My mate is a dragon, and very well the last one. Man she just gets better and better.

The teacher seemed just as stunned, but collected herself and said,

"well Ezra your seat is next to Zion,"

Zion then raised his hand, and Ezra made his way next to Zion.

"And you, Kyra is next to Lilly."

A girl named Lilly raised her hand and my mate went and sat next to Lilly.

I was only a couple desks away from her yet she still seemed way to far for my liking, I wanted her next to me.

The teacher then began the lesson, but there was no way I was going to pay attention to her with my mate present in the room.

I know staring is rude but I didn't care, she was to pretty not to.


I thought about the name in my head it was pretty name and it fit my mate well.

I was so captivated that I didn't even realise class was over until the bell rang. I saw everyone get out of their chairs and head down to lunch,

Including my mate.

Ezra walked over to her and the two began walking out of the classroom.

"So would you like my notes for this class as well?"

Bianca teased.

"Hey it's not my fault,"

I countered back.

"Well at least you have her in a class,"

Taylor said,

"I guess your right, anyways let's go in starving."

We all walked down to the lunch room, we sat at a circle table and got our food.

Today's lunch was meatloaf but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be hard.

I pushed my "food" aside and glanced around the lunch room.

I couldn't see my mate or her two friends.

I looked back down to my tray. I wasn't paying much attention, until I noticed the lunch room got quieter.

Confused I looked up and noticed my mate and the other two walking in.

They seemed to notice that they were the center of attention because the other two looked up at the group of people.

Some people looked away and others didn't care. They sat down at a table and got their food out, they all brought their own food.

All except my mate, she didn't have any food,

she's not going to eat?

I thought to myself. The other two began talking and all my mate simply did was nod and give a little sign that she was listening, not once did she speak.

I wonder why.

I couldn't help but wonder about my mate, she hid her face and didn't say a word.

This made me more confused and only more interested in her.

She seemed to have so many secrets,

secrets I was determined to figure out.

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