Chapter 28: The ex

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AN: Hey everyoneeee, So, This chapter was evidently delayed by a lot... I was meant to write it over the weekend but I ended up in hospital :0 I was severely dehydrated (Shocker) and had really bad stomach pains they couldn't quite find the reason for, I'm on meds rn so if there's spelling mistakes pls let me know cause I'm relying on Grammarly 

 Anyways, Enjoyyyyyy <3


4 weeks had passed since Nationals, the entire team had been slowly preparing themselves for regionals again next year, George preparing for the Global competition, continuously being pushed to the very limit. The moment Clay left George felt his entire world crumble, he didn't move from his bed for the first 2 weeks, only ever having contact with Karl, Niki, and his parents. He had let his parents return into his life, he needed anyone at that point even if they seemed to strangle the remains of his broken heart. He had finally replaced gut-wrenching nausea with excessive practice hours. Karl and Nick had spent countless hours attempting to get the two lovesick broken hearts to reconnect, neither Clay nor George having enough energy to even respond to them.. 

"George you're looking really good, Take a break" Logan applauds before guiding the exhausted boy toward the benches beside Minx. 

"Hi, we're here to see George Davidson and Clay Knightley" An evidently powerful authority calls out whilst his eyes fall to the clipboard before him. George's heart seemed to have skipped a beat at the mention of Clay's name.

"Yeah that's me, Clay's not here right now" George sighs, avoiding the heavy weight and overpowering sting in his chest. 

"Right, We've just received news that the winner of the National Duet division had paid the judges, after much dispute from the other judges and the audience we recounted the scores and noticed that your routines scores had been swapped, They've been banned from any further competition and as an apology on behalf of Starlight Nationals we've double both of your monetary rewards" George stands in shock as the rest of the team cheer in glee. They won... 

"Here's your reward and trophy, congratulations, you were both amazing" The young women applauds handing over 2 gold medals and a large trophy. George collects the envelopes after being pulled into tight embraces from his team. 

"You can go drop all that off to Clay, We'll be here when you come back" Logan shrugs, he was so clueless toward the evident tension Clay's name brought. 

"Right.." George mumbles dropping the envelopes and medals into his bag before exiting the theatre. 4 solid weeks of heartbreak and denial, 4 weeks of forcing himself to accept that he'd never see the blonde hair and green eyes he had grown addicted to, all the heartbreak and pain all because of a mistake. They both knew deep down that they didn't mean what was said, it was evident built-up frustration that Nick and Karl had tried to calm. And now as George pulls into the all too familiar driveway he can't help but notice his heart rate rise as his heart beats out of his chest, growing slightly dizzy at the thought of meeting face to face with the man he forced himself to believe didn't love him. He grips onto the gold medal and envelope before awkwardly walking along the path he had missed so much. The familiar scent of mint leaves and Daffodils consumes George's senses as his hand draws to the door, knocking only three times, scared to seem urgent. Doubt clouds George's mind as he fiddles with the small metal circle in his hands. But that doubt seemed to have faded as his eyes met the green ones in front him. 

"George? What're you doing here?" Joyful shock was evident in the breathless blonde as both stand awkwardly before one another, scared to move. 

"We won, Kane payed the judges, I was dropping off your check and Medal" George sighs slightly mumbling as he reaches his hand out, Clays face lights up as he takes the check from George's hands

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