Chapter 6: NamJoon?

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I started panaking. That was until the door opened and Yoongi stepped in. Yoongi stepped in.
What is wrong with that sentence?
Wait holy shit!!
"Holy shit. Yoongi? Min fucking Yoongi?"
I said, and then it hit me. My voice is so deep! This can't be happening!
"What's up with you. And speak a language I can understand please."
Yoongi said. I sat there for a good 5 minutes taking in the whole situation. Ok, I switched bodies with my soul mate. He knows Yoongi. That means I'm in Korea. This man is Korean. I need to speak Korean now. But in order to speak Korean I need to regain my composure. I took a deep breath and
Decided it would be best to explain the situation, I spoke in Korean, now glad that I didn't listen to everyone who said I was wasting my time learning it because I would never use it.
"Hello. My name is Y/N. Today is my 21st birthday and I'm guessing I just switched bodies. Where is this man's phone? I was actually in class right now and I would like to ask him to take notes for me should the situation arise where that is needed." I said. Yoongi dropped the coffee he was holding and he pointed to a phone beside me. I picked it up and tried to open it but there was password. I showed it to Yoongi and he shrugged. I'm guessing he didn't know the password.
"Fucking hell." I said.
"Ok, Mr. Min, I know it's a lot to ask but can I borrow your phone please?"
I said.
He nodded and handed me his phone. Dialing my number I hoped he would pick up. He didn't. I didn't hear my voice on the other line. I heard Lisa's. Thank the Lord's.
"Lisa thank god you answered! It's Y/N please hand the phone to me." That sentence sounds so not ok.
There was silence on the other line before I heard my voice.
The man with my voice said.
"Hi... My name is Y/N. You are currently in my body. Please take care of it. I'm currently in school working on a project. I'm not asking you to do anything but please pretend to work on it. I really don't want my professor to be on my back again. If you need help or anything please just ask Lisa or Rosé. Stick with Lisa. She has most of the same classes as me. If anything happens, there is pepper spray in my backpack, money in my wallet in case you get hungry, and a change of clothes in my locker. Lisa and Rosé know where it is so just ask them if you need anything from there. "
I said in Korean.
"Ok... Hi Y/N, my name is NamJoon. I'm sure you've met Yoongi by now considering this is phone number. Don't worry, I'll take good care if your body I know english so no need to worry about that. Lisa and Rosé already introduced themselves. Take care, I should get you back to class now."
He said and hung up.
I handed the phone back to Yoongi who was now sitting in a seat next to me.
"My soul mate is Kim NamJoon."
I said.
"Yup. Good luck with that
Yoongi said not looking at me.
"This is so weird." I said once more.
"Can I just talk aimlessly for like 43 seconds?"
I asked.
He nodded.
"Whew. Ok. Fuck, shit, damn, mother fucker, cunt, bitch, ass, dick! This is so Fucked! I mean I'm probably one of your biggest fans but shit! And my tests are this week! If he makes me fail one of my classes I will track this man down and murder him in his sleep."
I said.
At this point Yoongi was looking at me.
"Nice vocabulary you got there." He said.
"Thank you."
I replied, making sure to sound proud of the cuss words I know. He looked at me again.
"We can't really work anymore so it's time to ask questions. It's clear your American. Why did you learn Korean anyway?" He asked.
"Well, I've been a fan of yours since 2014. And a kpop fan in general since 2012. I was tired of reading subtitles and looking up the lyrics so I just learned Korean. I'm also fluent in Greek and Spanish."
I said.
"Damn. You might have a higher IQ than Mr. 148."
I laughed.
"Oh yeah. Hoseok will be here in like 5 minutes."
I stopped breathing.
"Holy shit! He's my bias!" I sat there in silence for a minute thinking about how I was going to meet all the members eventually and even know them personally. After I got a better grip on reality, an idea popped into my head. "We should play a prank on him! What do you say? Are you in?"
I asked.
He looked at me in a playful glare and said.

"I'm here!"
Hoseok said as he walked into the studio holding a coffee.
"We have a problem."
Yoongi said. At this point Hoseok was looking around confused as he tried to figure out what was wrong. Yoongi pointed at me and started phase 1 of the prank.
"Hola. Me llamo Y/N. Como te llamas?"
I said.
"Did NamJoon learn Spanish?"
Hoseok said.
"No dumb shit. It would appear that NamJoon and his soulmate have switched bodies and she only speaks Spanish."
Yoongi said. Hoseok dropped his coffee and turned around  walking towards the door.
"Adonde vas?"
I said again.
He stopped and turned around. His face, wearing an awfully odd expression and Yoongi and I both burst out laughing.
"We got him so good!"
I said in Korean again. As tears were starting to form and my stomach started to ache from laughing so much.

When we finally calmed down, I introduced myself formally to Hoseok and told him how big of a fan I was.
"I just met her and I can already tell Joon is going to love her."
Yoongi said.
"Oh, and by the way, your cleaning that up." Yoongi said again pointing at the still spilled coffee.
"I already had to clean up a cup and I'm sure as hell not doing it again."
"Yeah yeah whatever old man. So Y/N, How many languages do you know?"
Hoseok asked.
"Four." I replied.
"You might have a higher IQ than NamJoon."
He said. And I laughed.
"That's what I said!"
Yoongi replied to Hoseoks statement. A few minutes of silence passed as Hoseok started cleaning his spilled coffee.
"Does anyone have a pen and paper?"
I asked and Yoongi handed me a pen and Hoseok a paper. I wrote my phone number on the paper. And wrote "This is your soul mates phone number. Call me, if you don't, the next time we switch I might make sure you get lost out in the middle of nowhere." I put the piece of paper on his phone and just continued to talk with Yoongi and Hoseok for the remaining minutes of my hour.

I'm sleepy haha

                                       (:3 っ)っ

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