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Niki spent the week accommodating Dream at her house, letting him stay for as long as he needed before the blonde decided to finally make his way back to his old dorm.

Dream had been texting George non-stop the entire time, of course, trying to call him and ask if he was okay, apologising for how he had treated the brunette and practically begging for forgiveness. However, he seemed to be out of luck as he hadn't gotten a single reply from his best friend the entire time he had been at Niki's. It was expected, if he was being honest. I mean - he was the one to ignore George first.

Yet it got to the point where the blonde was tempted to just show up at the dorm unannounced, but he didn't want to step across any boundaries the brunette may have set out for him.

I mean, if Dream had been in George's position that night, he wouldn't want to see him, either.

"I just don't know, Niki... What if something bad has to him?" Dream asked, the pinkette across from him giving a simple shrug, handing him over a hot chocolate with marshmallows that she had just made fresh for them both.

"I'm sure he is fine, I just don't think he really wants to talk to you right now," she speaks truthfully, feeling bad when she saw how the boys shoulders slumped, a clear sign that he was ashamed of himself. She frowned, hands clasping the sides of her own mug and bringing it to her lips, blowing some of the heat off as she thought of a suggestion. "Hey... Maybe we can drop off a care package later this afternoon?"

Dream bolted up at that idea, mug of hot chocolate discarded as he began collecting his car keys and wallet before making his way to the door to put his shoes on. Niki almost got whiplash from how fast he moved, standing up herself to stand by the doorway, watching as he was practically shaking to go outside. "I'm guessing you want to go and get things for a care package now?" She murmured with a soft smile, the blonde nodding enthusiastically as a confirmation. The girl simply shrugged once again: "Okay... well, make sure to bring your coat with you - I heard it's going to be stormy this afternoon."

The boy took her advice gratefully, grabbing hold of his forest green coat as he opened the door to the house, bidding Niki a final goodbye and a thank you before making his trek to the nearest store.


It was nearly 7pm by the time Dream arrived outside his and George's dorm, a tote bag slung over his shoulder which carried a box of goodies he had picked up for his best friend.

He currently stood outside the door, debating on whether or not he should leave the package on the doorstep or just walk into the room - he quickly decided on the latter. Despite his conscience telling him that it was rude and could very well be invading the elders boundaries, another part of his mind told him that he had to confront George. He had to see him now, before it was too late.

Too late for what, exactly? Well, he didn't know himself.

And so, the blonde knocked gently on the door, announcing his arrival before slowly opening the only thing which separated him and his best friend currently. He was surprised to see the brunette sat up in bed, wide awake and staring across himself to face the wall opposite him. He had a blank look about him, eyes glassed over either in deep thought or spaced out.

It concerned Dream as to how the elder didn't react to him opening the door.


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