Chapter 3

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'Tori, there is a party at some band's house all celebrities allowed' some band...I felt sick just thinking about my ex bringing some girl to the party, after all he is celebrity. 'You going? Because this will be good for your appearance.' I don't feel like going but I have distant myself from people enough. Its time to get out there again, so I nodded.
'Great. Get ready. It is at 8:30. Makeup team will be here at six...oh and wear something short.' Of course...this is sometimes just tiresome.
Since it is already four, I went home to take a warm bubbly bath after a long day.

'Erica, are you sure? I mean I don't like rose gold about you just lighten my blond locks a little, that okay?' Ever since I was little, never have I dye my hair any color.
My mother always told me no matter what I must not dye my hair until I am eighteen.
Erica, my hairstylist work on my hair while Victor my makeup artist.
After everything I put on my dress, looking at the mirror, I saw the unbroken version of myself.
The perfect, normal, bright and fun person.
And I hope she stays there till I need her gone again.

The party was big. Thankfully reporters weren't allowed inside.
Not that I am not grateful of how much support they have given me but I didn't want them there because I needed to be myself, with my friends.
'Hold up! Tori!! God...are you okay? I heard you and you-know-who broke up.'
I let out a sigh. 'Yea...yea I'm okay, thanks Mel.'
Melissa. My best friend, since I was eight. She has been by my side ever since.
'Wanna let loose tonight?' she asked, almost begging.
I laughed. She would never get drunk unless she had a fight with her boyfriend.
'Everything okay?' I said 'With you and Jake I mean...' slowly she shake her head.
'No, everything is not okay with them. It's the opposite of "Okay" said a firm English voice behind. I took a side step while Melissa turn.
'I'm sorry but do I know you...?' I was confused. I have never seen him in my life.
'No' he said stepping up into the light 'We haven't met...I'm Noah, Jake's bandmate'
'Victoria' I said stepping up to shake his open hand.
'Noah! He's the one who throw this party, but I'll tell you...' she took a cup from a waiter passing by with a trey of wine. '...When you finally stop being upset over a breakup with a cheater.' I scoffed.
I knew she was right but I still couldn't admit it.
Bringing up my ex was a bad idea because something happened. Something that wasn't meant to. But I was too drunk.

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