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"This place is cute" I say as we walk into the pizza place.

"I know me and my boyfriend come here all the time" she adds smiling.

Well that's a cock block.

"Mmm cute" i smile back at her.

"Yeah, actually he'll be here in two minutes" she said ordering the pizza.

"I would love to meet him" shit.


A couple minutes later well me and Scarlett are talking a very tall guy walks in and when I say tall I mean like 6'4-6'5 maybe.

"Hi I'm Sam, Sam Winchester and you must be Matthew" he questions.

"Um" I clear my throat "yeah that's me" I add as he takes a seat next to Scarlett in the booth.

"Hey babe" he smiles kissing her cheek. "Hi" she smiles back.

What is it about her.

After endless hours of sam talking about himself, I finally give up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have to be heading home" I smile at Scarlett. "Oh yeah of course matt, me and Sam have to leave too so um I'll see you at school right" she asks fixing her hair. "Yeah. I'll be at school" I chuckle out of embarrassment.

I walk out of the pizza place and hail a taxi and well call my mom.

Ring 1.....

Ring 2.....

"Matthew darling, how are you"

"Great mom"

"What are you up to, eating Lo mien again you know that's not healthy Matthew"

"Mom, mom chill I was actually getting pizza" I laugh

"Like that's any better"

"With the girl"

"Oh Matty I'm so happy for you"


"Uh o I don't like buts matt"

"She has a boyfriend" I sigh

"Aw I'm sorry, hopefully if you stick around long enough they'll maybe break up or we could sabotage the relationship"

"Hopefully is right and no mom we don't sabotoge peoples relationships" I say making my mom laugh"

"Well mom um I love you and I'll call you tomorrow maybe with some better gossip"

"Okay Matthew goodnight"

I could be good to her, please let me be.

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