An Heir to the Throne- Loki

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"I don't understand why you won't just listen to me!" I yelled as I ran away from my mother and into my chambers. I liked to hide in there when my mother and I bumped heads. It was the only place where I could think freely anymore. And even then, my mother is trying to stop that too.

She is having me move in with my husband, the soon-to-be king of Asgard. We don't live together because I had complained about his snoring, but the truth is that I don't love him! 

I was told I have to move in with him only for some sickening reason, I am needed to produce an heir to the throne. And this is all for some sick thing that Odin and my mother have against me. 

Odin has never liked me and if only they knew that I did love Odin's son. Just not the one they believe me to be.  

"What are you doing in here all alone?" I heard a voice say as I turned around and saw my best friend and true love, Loki. "I came here to think," I said as he nodded, and then he sat down next to me. "I came here for that same reason." "In my chambers?" I asked as he smirked. "The one place they would never think to look for me," He said as I smiled back at that sly comment he had made before he leaned forward to kiss me ever so softly.

"What are we going to do once I am with Thor's child?" I asked as he looked away and looked as if he was coming up with an evil idea. As if any of his other ideas were never evil. 

"Well, we can make sure that you just don't get pregnant by him." "Loki, were you even listening to me? My mother is having me move in with him until I am with the child. I am never going to be free," I said as he smiled once more. "I know. That's why I must get you pregnant first." 

"You are one evil son of a bitch," I said as he continued to smile at me

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"You are one evil son of a bitch," I said as he continued to smile at me. He used his powers and locked the door. He then started to remove layers to his outfit as I just sat on the bed and watched him. 

He caressed my cheek before he started to kiss me passionately. "It won't just happen on the first try," I said as he nodded. "Yes, it will," he said as he showed me that he was using his magic. "This is bold, even for me," I said as he smiled into a kiss and then I helped him lift my Asgardian gown.

 "This is bold, even for me," I said as he smiled into a kiss and then I helped him lift my Asgardian gown

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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