Avengers base

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after you put away all your weapons you are on your way to your room the change when you feel a cold metal arm on your hip as you get turned around real fast. you look at Bucky and say what do want barnes. well you aks me what i was gone do about it well here i am doll showing you what happens if you get on my nerves. he picks you up with one arm and as he was about the push you up against the wall you hear JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES YOU HAVE 3 GODAMM SECONDS. you look to your left as you see tony standing there with his smoothie and his mom pose giving Bucky the look. Bucky does not hesitate and puts you down while given you a wink and then speeding faster then quicksilver in to the living room.

you look annoyed at tony snap your fingers before he can give you a lecture.
as you just got out of the shower to put on clothing you hear thor in the hallway talking to natasha you sneak to your door listen in on their conversation. n- thor she can not know about him. t- i know but she is the only one who can help him control himself. n- i know but it's dangerous what if loki manipulates her in to doing something dangerous after all she is the most powerful being in the universe. t- i understand but we can hide her from loki forever. n- i know but as long as we can we will besides tony doesn't approve. t- your right.

you hear them walking away and you close the door what is a loki you think to yourself and why am i kept from this loki thing you have so many questions. DINNER you hear steve yelling. o lord you say out loud as you walk in the hallway what is up sam asks while catching up with you. steve made dinner o lord sam says that is gone be some unseasoned chicken. you both laugh while walking into the living room.

you both sit down with the rest of the avengers and are patiently waiting for steve to put the food on the table. so steve made dinner huh sam says yhea what about bucky says nothing sam says while steve walks in with the food. steve puts the food on the table you and sam look at the chicken than at each other than at the chicken that at each other. lord help me tonight you hear sam saying under his breath. you choke on your cola as sam stars laughing and everyone at the table starts laughing as well.

His Princess | part 1Where stories live. Discover now