what's a loki

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so how is the food steve asks its very good bruce says you and sam look at each other with concern. after a few minutes you say what is a loki tony chokes on his wine and says oké who told her about loki. umm dad nobody told me i heard nat and thor talking about a loki in de hallway right outside my door. tony looks at natasha then at thor. out of all the places on the base you decided to talk in front of her door. sorry tony we didn't know she was in there. oké this is all awesome but can someone tell me what a loki is.

umm loki is my brother he was adopted by my father odin he is the god of mischief. you have a brother and all these years i thought you were an only child oké but why are you guys keeping him from me. well says thor cuz, cuz he is dangerous nat says while putting more chicken on her plate. but why you say getting a little frustrated. what happened in new york that was him and what happened to clint that was him and thor almost dying cuz he was stabbed and not to mention he killed 80 people in 2 days. o i didn't know that so you guys where just protecting me. yes nat says while putting her hand on your hand. exactly my little daisy wand says we do not want you to get brainwashed by him.

thank you guys you say while getting up from the table. where are you going doll Bucky says while getting up as well. to bed i am tired. good night sweetheart tony says while giving you a kiss on your forehead he looks at Bucky with a death stare and Bucky sits back down while he looks like a scared 3 year old who just saw penny wise under his bed. you hug the avengers good night and a few minutes later when you are about to go the sleep you hear knocking on the door.

you open the door only to see bucky standing there wearing only his gray sweatpants and a man bun. you look him up and down with a smile and stare in to his hungry baby blue eyes he grabs your face and pulls you close to him. what are you doing you say with a playful voice. he leans down with his face until his lip is close to your ear and than he whispers came to say good night my Beautiful doll
he kisses you neck softly you start to breath heavily as you need to hold the doorframe for support. he kisses you softly on your lips while holding your neck with his metal arm. under your breath you moan his name softly as you feel him smile he let's go of you and takes a step back gives you a wink and then walks away to his room. you close your door and question yourself are you falling in love with the one and only winter soldier you bit your lip but at the same time you cant stop thinking about this Loki person

you put on you favourite hoodie that wanda got you that says my little daisy on it and go to sleep.

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